CPU and Motherboard compatibility


May 25, 2017
I recently had some issues regarding my CPU's compatibility with my motherboard and I was planning on getting a different CPU. Initially I had a Intel Core i3-7100 7th Gen Core Desktop Processor 3M Cache,3.90 GHz paired up with a GIGABYTE GA-H110M-A LGA1151 Intel H110 Micro ATX DDR4 Motherboard, but I read from a couple different sources that these two were not compatible. I was wondering if the Intel 3.70 GHz Core i3-6100 3M Cache Processor is compatible with my motherboard, and if not what CPU should I order in its place?

Nothing displays on my monitor though, will i still be able to update my BIOS?

I have a very old (about 15 years) plentium processor, would I be able to use this to test without creating any permanent issues?

I did all of that, but still nothing is showing up... All of the lights and fans are working but the monitor says no signal

yes my GPU is installed and i have checked everything out several times, i have been trying to fix this issue for about three weeks now

Well if u checked "everything" then something is broken. goodluck