CPU and Motherboard Replacement Options


Apr 7, 2014
I had a problem with my Mobo (EVGA P55 LE) and CPU (I5 750) suddenly dying on me in the middle of using my computer. I wasn't even gaming or anything, just reading.
Thankfully, it appears that there is no problem with any of the other components of my computer, but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for good replacements. Frankly, my budget is not huge (not planning to spend more than $300). I thought that it's a bit ridiculous to get a like for like replacement since they're so old, but I was wondering if anyone had any good suggestions for CPUs and boards that I could get.
I have DDR3 1600 RAM (2x4GB) and an ASUS HD Radeon 7770 (2 GB), so I was looking for a CPU perhaps in the Intel 4th gen range, or so, so that I wouldn't need to replace the RAM as well.
My current case only supports ATX mobos, from what I can tell, so that is a factor as well.

I was looking at Intel's i5s, especially 4th gen ones, but most seem to be somewhat out of my price range when paired with decent ATX Mobos. I looked at the processor hierarchy chart and noticed that plenty of i3s are rated above my old i5, but the ones I found at least seemed somewhat ridiculously expensive for being I3s.
Then I did something that I've never done and looked at some AMDs too. I noticed that FX 8300 seems to be very decently priced for its ranking on the hierarchy. So I was wondering if it would be a good idea to switch to AMD or not.

For the record, I use the computer for gaming and have done some recording and video editing, but not too heavy overall. The i5 750 seemed reasonably adequate for what I used it for, so it's not like I am looking for something incredibly wow, but the more bang I can get for my buck, the better, obviously. I run Windows 7 64-bit and have no intention of moving to Windows 8 or 10 if I can help it.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Nice. Not sure if I can order from OutletPC though. I'll check into it. I'm living in Africa right now but I'll try to find someone who can order and bring it down. That does look sweet, I have to say.

PS: Just checked Amazon and they have it for almost the same price. So that is great.
Just a question: Does the Ryzen work well with the cooler that comes with it? I heard AMDs stock coolers are a bit weak sometimes.
Thanks, vapour! Haven't actually got around to ordering since I figured I may as well wait and see if Black Friday gives me some drops in prices. The shipping of the three items comes to roughly $80 to where I am. For now I have my eye on the Asus PRIME B350M-A/CSM since I discovered that my case can take mATX.
I've also been looking at the ASRock A320M-DGS (because it's just $50) and if I feel really cash-strapped, I might go for that, but I certainly would prefer the Asus.

Something I was wondering though was that this article: https://rog.asus.com/articles/technologies/your-guide-to-the-ryzen-am4-platform-and-its-x370-b350-and-a320-chipsets/ seems to say that the B350 boards have only 4 SATA ports, where as the Asus PRIME B350M-A/CSM says it has 6. All 6 would be usable, right?
So...I just read that the ASUS B350 doesn't have VRMs...
Do you think that would that be a problem for me?

Also, the Wraith Stealth Cooler shouldn't have a problem fitting on this board, should it?

Thank you once again for your patience in answering my questions. I really appreciate it. :)
Oops. I meant that the Asus PRIME B350M-A/CSM doesn't have VRM heatsinks.

Oh, and as far as the Wraith is concerned, I meant to ask if it would have issues with blocking the RAM slots. I've seen some pictures of people with the coolers and it was pushing into RAM modules.
It is not that big: https://www.google.com/search?q=wraith+cooler&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi83YG03LzXAhUi6YMKHXCnAwsQ_AUICygC&biw=1920&bih=974#imgrc=Nly5CZULAQkaVM:

low end MB, doesn't need heatsink, just can't OC heavily: https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/776327-asus-prime-b350m-no-heatsinks/
Sorry for the continuous stream of questions, but as far as motherboard is concerned, I'm a bit unsure of what to do. I was looking at the Gigabyte GA-AB350M-Gaming 3 since the ASUS' price has been on the rise. Having read some reviews about the Gigabyte board though, it didn't seem very positive.
I really need to save money on motherboard and RAM, so I opted for the ASRock AB350M Pro4. I would have liked 6 SATA ports, but thinking about it, I think I can manage with 4. However, looking at the board on rymem.vraith.com it doesn't seem like any of the cheaper RAM kits that I had picked out were compatible with it.
The ones I had previously selected as options were:
G.Skill NT Series DDR4-2400 (Compatible with MSI and Gigabyte according to rymem.vraith.com)
ADATA DDR4-3000 (Only compatible with MSI boards according to rymem.vraith.com)
or Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4-3000 (Compatible with Gigabyte board)

All of the boards that I've been looking at have 4 RAM slots because I am looking for dual channel RAM as I hear it's faster than single modules and that filling all slots can slow performance.
How much value do you think a site like rymem.vraith.com has? Should most all RAM work in these boards? Do you think I should just settle for the Gigabyte board?
Either way, I'll probably wait until Black Friday to order, in case there is a sudden drop in price for something.

Also, the price of the Ryzen 3 1300x just dropped $10. Yay! It's not much, but every bit counts to me. 😉
pcpartpicker is better choice compared to that website. You can try over there :) Although pcpartpicker is not 100% correct but have been serving us well. All three motherboards are fine, you just don't know which one will send you defective ones... If they do, just RMA and ask for replacement. If I rebuild again, I will pick the Asrock one over my MSI b350m gaming pro, just for better reviews. I bought it due to Newegg has bundle deal back then and it looks pretty :) Again, all 3 are solid choices, pick one you like most.
Okay. I'll probably battle it out in my mind between the AS Rock and the Gigabyte or any other one that compete with them price-wise in the next few days. Unfortunately, where I am sending them back the board may not be very easy, but hopefully there will be no reason to.
I finally settled for the AS Rock AB350M Pro4, which I can get from Newegg for $59.99
I was looking for RAM and settled for just about the cheapest 2x4 set I could find: a couple of GeIL products on Newegg selling for $69.99.
I don't see them listed on the AS Rock compatibility board, but I didn't see many of those at all, but do you think they should do the job?
I would probably go for the second one, but for some weird reason it doesn't appear on PCPartPicker at all.
I also found this:
Also not shown on PCPartPicker.
For now, though, I'm really rather cash tight and I think that I'd rather save $10 than get the faster RAM. Maybe later if/when the price comes down I can aim for a 2x8GB pair.
Hi again. Sorry that I never got back to explain the resolution of the issue. The fact is that some things came up, so I wasn't able to get any of the parts I needed.
Trying to scrape something together now and I was wondering how this looks:

Ryzen 3 1200 - $93
Asus - PRIME B350M-A/CSM - $70
MSI - B350M PRO-VDH - $70
ADATA - XPG GAMMIX D10 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2666 - $82
Patriot - Signature Line 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2666 - $84
Patriot - 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2400 - $80

I'm not sure if I'll be able to order from Newegg or only Amazon. If I can get from Newegg, I'll probably get the AData memory. If not, then I'm not sure which of the Patriot ones are better as the 2666 has 17 CAS, which seems high.
I went for the Ryzen 3 1200 because I don't want a problem with the Ryzen 2200G not being compatible with the board. I don't want to go through the hassle of having to receive another CPU and send it back to them in order to do the upgrade.
Besides, I'm still planning to run on Windows 7 and I'm not sure how Ryzen "G" works with Windows 7 if at all.
Any advice would be much appreciated.