Question CPU and socket damage when trying to remove cooler ?


Sep 26, 2019
Hello enthusiasts, I had a unfortunate incident when i tried to replace the heatsink on my Ryzen 7 3700X where the whole unit came along, stuck on the cooler when i tried to twist it out. *cough* AM4 socket..
Damaged cpu and possibly a damaged socket, can't really tell if the blackened areas are destroyed pin holes or not?

socket picture
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Hello enthusiasts, I had a unfortunate incident when i tried to replace the heatsink to my ryzen 7 3700x where the whole unit came along, stuck on the cooler when i tried to twist it out. *cough* AM4 socket..
Damaged cpu and possibly a damaged socket, can't really tell if the blackened areas are destroyed pin holes or not?

Compare your socket to a hi-res picture of a known good AM4 socket:

It appears the darkened cavities on your socket are unused so that at least is not a sign of damage.

Check the pins on your CPU very carefully for any that are bent. If any are you can straighten them using a Pentel mech. pencil.
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Socket is probably okay, non-LGA tend to be pretty resilient.

How bad are the pins on the CPU?
The cpu had some bent pins in 2 of the corners which i straightened using the 'through and up' motion with a needle to the best of my ability. I think I managed to straighten all but one VSS pin that broke.
Take a good look into your socket on the board and make sure you don’t see any gold pins in there. The good thing is if the 3700x doesn’t operate anymore, am4 being on the way out, you still can go to plenty of other am4 CPUs for a decent upgrade such as the 5700x, 5800x or 5800x3d, etc. So that could be a consideration as well.