New to the website.. created an account for this reason alone,
Randomly one day my computer started to slow down and I noticed lower fps than usual so, I opened up task manager and there was my problem.. my cpu was running 60% idle.
The culprits were system interrupts at 20-22% followed by system at 12-15% then svchost.exe two of those both running 10% and 5%.
looked for a solution online and drivers seemed to be an issue but I checked device manager but found no yellow exclamation marks. I tried a windows reset (the one which keeps the data) and the problem was not fixed.
I'm still new to this and do not know much about computers so please help me out here!
My computer :-
i5 4690k cpu
Asus gtx 960 black edition gpu
Asus B85m-GAMER motherboard
Kingston HyperX 8GB DDR3 ram
Corsair 450W psu
WD 1TB blue HDD
Toshiba 320GB HDD
Windows 10 home
Additional info If I shutdown and boot up my PC several times.. one out of like 10 times the cpu usage is normal at 1-2% idle
Forgive my grammar and Thank you!
New to the website.. created an account for this reason alone,
Randomly one day my computer started to slow down and I noticed lower fps than usual so, I opened up task manager and there was my problem.. my cpu was running 60% idle.
The culprits were system interrupts at 20-22% followed by system at 12-15% then svchost.exe two of those both running 10% and 5%.
looked for a solution online and drivers seemed to be an issue but I checked device manager but found no yellow exclamation marks. I tried a windows reset (the one which keeps the data) and the problem was not fixed.
I'm still new to this and do not know much about computers so please help me out here!
My computer :-
i5 4690k cpu
Asus gtx 960 black edition gpu
Asus B85m-GAMER motherboard
Kingston HyperX 8GB DDR3 ram
Corsair 450W psu
WD 1TB blue HDD
Toshiba 320GB HDD
Windows 10 home
Additional info If I shutdown and boot up my PC several times.. one out of like 10 times the cpu usage is normal at 1-2% idle
Forgive my grammar and Thank you!