CPU at 90% load while GPU is at 30% load


Jun 21, 2017
Hi i recently picked up a new graphics card and ive been noticing that the performance doesnt match the videos ive seen on it. Basically im getting way lower fps than i should and my cpu is constantly at around 90% load while my gpu is barely being used sitting around 30% load. Is there anyway to make it so that my gpu is actually being used more because im bought the gpu in order to gain better performance and its a disappointment that its barely being used to its full potential.

Sorry for the late reply on this, I just now saw that you added to the topic.

I am not to familiar with either of those games as far as PC play goes, but looking at the specs you need to play them, it looks like CSGO is a very mild game as far as spec demanding goes. It only needs a dual core cpu and a weaker line of graphics card. Battlefield one is a relativity...
First off, what is the model of your CPU? Second, what game/application are you using? Some games/apps use CPU more then GPU. So, for example, some games are more CPU driven then GPU, therefore, if you are trying one of those types of games, you will see your CPU being pushed more then the GPU.

Hi I'm using an msi gtx 1080 gaming x+ with an i5 7600k at base clock because I need a better cooler right now. I'm playing cs:go and battlefield 1. On csgo I'm seeing framerates around 100-130 on csgo on high settings and only 70 on battlefield 1 at ultra even though I'm only playing both games at 1080p. Sorry I didn't put any of that info in the first post I made.

Sorry for the late reply on this, I just now saw that you added to the topic.

I am not to familiar with either of those games as far as PC play goes, but looking at the specs you need to play them, it looks like CSGO is a very mild game as far as spec demanding goes. It only needs a dual core cpu and a weaker line of graphics card. Battlefield one is a relativity new game, and it needs both a solid GPU AND CPU. It looks as if the CPU required is at least a 6 core.

So, depending on what your settings in Battlefield are, you are going to see a massive drop in frames compared to Csgo because it is a much more component hungry game. And remember, the higher the settings you have and the higher the resolution, the more the frames will drop if you don't have higher end components.

What type of tv/monitor are you playing these on? Is a super high frame rate going to even matter? What is your refresh rate on your monitor?