CPU at constant 100% usage while doing close to nothing [AMD Ryzen 5 1600X]


Mar 5, 2017
My CPU's usage has been suspiciously high for a few weeks now, but I did not know enough to call it a problem. Now, I am sure it is a problem.

My CPU is an AMD Ryzen 5 1600X (and this computer was built during November 2017). It has not been overclocked, ever. Full Specs @ bottom of post

After leaving my computer on for roughly 4~ hours to do a 3D render, I noticed it was not running smoothly (mouse cursor freezing constantly). Task manager reported CPU at 100% capacity for no reason (the 3D render was long-done by this point). I watched task manager attentively and CPU usage never went below 100% for at least 5 minutes. When I tried to restart the computer, it showed me the Windows 10 "Restarting" screen for 9 minutes before finally restarting succesfully. Ever since this restart roughly one hour ago, CPU usage has been quiet and all background processes are occupying less than 0.5% except for Carbonite.

Other things I've noticed:
Background programs will randomly occupy up to 30% of my CPU. These programs include Windows Defender, Malwarebytes, ShareX (Image sharing software), Carbonite (data backup), System and even WMI Provider Host

Computer semi-frequently experiences momentary hangups while watching videos (pretty much freezes for 1 second. I am certain this is linked to WMI Provider Host)

While snooping through Task Manager, I saw that, despite 100% CPU usage, it claimed my user profile (Jon) was only using 41% CPU

Most concerning of all, I'm seeing evidence of GPU failure. My screen will "glitch" for a fraction of a second and I'm pretty sure horizontal black bars appear up and down the screen (it's really, really fast when it happens). I've seen one other brief glitch where a white webpage suddenly had a black checkerboard pattern on it. Again, really fast. Would be happy to hear that this is possibly all part of the CPU problem instead of its own separate issue

Sorry that I did not check temps during the 100% usage. Will check next time. CPU drivers are up to date.
I have run multiple antivirus programs in Safe Mode. They found what mostly look like false flags, but we'll see what those quarantines do.

I am completely up to date on Windows 10. I was experiencing issues before the most recent update, but did not notice this constant 100% usage until after yesterday's update. In fact, the graphics glitches may not have occurred before this update. Will try reverting if possible.

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1600X
GPU: EVGA Nvidia GTX 780
MOTHERBOARD: ASRock AB350 Pro4 AM4 AMD Promontory B350 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.1 HDMI ATX AMD
RAM: G.SKILL Aegis 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4 2133
PSU: EVGA 750 BQ, 80+ BRONZE 750W
MAIN DRIVE: Samsung 850 EVO 500GB Solid State Drive
The first thing I would try is to take out NVidia and put in an AMD GPU. Change GPU, because it could be hardware failing and using AMD for replacement because this could work better wth AMD CPU.

Good idea, definitely seems like a problem program. Will report back after some intense computer usage

That makes NO sense
After uninstalling Carbonite and switching out my GPU for a slightly older model, I have run into almost no issues. However, I have seen a similar hiccup or two so I will wait a week before picking SkyNetRising's comment as the solution. In the meantime, be wary of Carbonite as a backup service! Seems like their service has been on the decline for a while now.