CPU Bottlenecking My GPU


Sep 10, 2013
GPU: MSI Radeon R7 265
CPU: AMD X4 760K Richland

I was trying to figure out what was causing my bad GTA V performance, I understand I don't have the best rig but it is pretty great at running most games. I stressed it by setting all the details to high and going full 5 stars with lots of explosives and other effects. While doing this, my CPU was always at 80%+ with my never reaching 60% usage. This is a sign of my CPU bottlenecking correct?


My BIOS is being funny and doesn't want me to OC at the moment. I'm gonna use overdrive, but when I try to set the multiplier up a certain amount, my computer freezes and I have to reboot. I was told to increase the voltage but I'm worried about damaging my components. If I set my voltage too high, will it hurt my CPU?