CPU Cable Problem (Please help)


May 27, 2016
Okay, so this is my first build so have some patience with me please.

There's the "cpu" cable that came with my PSU (EVGA g2 550)


Thats where I have to plug it in, but the 2 cables dont fit in either the PSU or the motherboard


Theres my current setup, It's my first and my graphics card is coming soon.

Anything I'm missing? I know cable management isnt the best.

Thanks so much.

Here's my parts list: http://pcpartpicker.com/list/qJGmqk

Those cables are generic cables I am sure. They can only go in one way so maybe try swapping it the other way around.

On the port on the motherboard you should see a tiny black clip which will match the black clip on the psu cable. Make sure they match the same way and you should be good to go

Thanks for the response but the cable only plugs into the motherboard one way. It doesnt work
You have a modular psu.
One end goes into the psu where it says cpu.
The other two are combined to fit into the 8 pin socket on the motherboard.
If you look carefully, on the opposite side of where it says cpu you should see a latch and that side matches with the latch on the 8 pin cpu socket.


See? It turns out crooked and doesnt fit all the way no matter which way or how hard I push. Trust me I've turned and twisted every possible way.

Thanks, but I think i'll have to order a replacement. Any suggestions?

Okay thanks for this, the picture helped me more than anything. I figured out that there was a bent pin and I just used some tweezers and stuck it in and it worked fine. Thanks so much!