CPU Case Fan Cabling - Am I missing a chasis fan connector?


Apr 25, 2016
I am assembling a CPU and am trying to connect the two chasis fans. From each of them comes a molex connector, but no 4-pin fan connectors. The only 4-pin fan connector is coming from my PSU, and it is attached to molex connectors as well. Will I need some other sort of fan connector, or are the molex connectors from the fans adequate? Thanks.
Some fans have a 3 or 4 pin lead that go to the motherboard fan headers. They have the + and - for power, and a tachometer and thermistor lead, or a mix of the two. Your case fans aren't being controlled by the motherboard fan headers, which can throttle the fans to speed up or slow down, so they just run off the 12 volts from the power supply through the Molex connectors at a constant speed.
Some fans have a 3 or 4 pin lead that go to the motherboard fan headers. They have the + and - for power, and a tachometer and thermistor lead, or a mix of the two. Your case fans aren't being controlled by the motherboard fan headers, which can throttle the fans to speed up or slow down, so they just run off the 12 volts from the power supply through the Molex connectors at a constant speed.
Is there another connector between the fan and the molex connector? Alot of case companies ship the 3/4 pin to molex adaptors connected to the fan. You just need to take it off and connect the 3/4 pin fan connector to the header on the mobo.