Question Cpu chipset support


Dec 11, 2019
So I think I will upgrade to a r5 3500x,just wanna know if the mobo I will buy support the cpu. The mobo I will buy is a GB b450m ds3h.
It certainly can support the CPU - but may well need a BIOS update to do so.

There are variants of some boards (specifically from MSI) who are guaranteed to have the updated BIOS installed, and are denoted as NameOfMotherboard-MAX. Otherwise, you'd have to try and confirm with the retailer on a case by case basis.
Would be a safer bet if you cannot confirm with the retailer.

Depending on the date of manufacture, the first board might have the updated BIOS and be ready to go,.... but it's a bit of a gamble.

For similar money (even up to say $10 more), I'd opt for one of the MAX boards to be safe.