I made a mistake getting a CPU cooler as big as a Noctua DH-15 with my latest build, I got a gigabyte z270 gaming 5 MicroATX motherboard, and a diypc skyline-06-B case. The biggest problem I have is not being able to reach a stand off to screw the mobo in the back top corner near the io panel I have because the case, a fan, and the giant radiator are an obstacle for my hand to place the screw. Also, my motherboard has 3 connectors for case fans, but I can see two more in front of the 3.5 drive bay slots, and I have no place to plug them up. the case supposedly has an integrated fan controller but admittedly I have no idea where that is or what it looks like, the case came with no manual, just some pictures identifying key and mostly external features.