CPU cooler for 4790k overclocked


Jun 10, 2014
I am planning to get the 4790k and overclock it. What CPU cooler do I need? Will these work good? If so which is the minimum I would need, as I am on a budget. Or is there a fan cooler I should use, also it has to fit in this case: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119227

Hydro series: http://promotions.newegg.ca/corsair/14-1354/index.html?cm_sp=SubCat_CPU-Fans-Heatsinks-_-corsair%2f14-1354-_-http%3a%2f%2fpromotions.newegg.ca%2fcorsair%2f14-1354%2f696x88.jpg&icid=243277

I would recommend an H100i or H105. Maybe an NZXT Kraken X60 if you can afford it. You will LOVE the 4790K and its overclocking. Just make sure you get a good watercooler.

I would recommend an H100i or H105. Maybe an NZXT Kraken X60 if you can afford it. You will LOVE the 4790K and its overclocking. Just make sure you get a good watercooler.

I am gunna get the h100i, but how do I mount it? Will I be Abel to Mountie I. The case I linked? And if so, where does it mount to?

You screw it in to your case. I do believe your case has a dual-rad slot. You link the Corsair link to a spot on the motherboard I believe, I do not have a Corsair link product, but it will tell you in the manual. Make sure you have space, because I ended up modding my case for my H105.

Can you t, if I am going to have enough space in that case? And will the asus z97-a motherboard work with it?