CPU cooling problem


Apr 22, 2015
Hello, I've been having problems with my computer having blue screen. From what I gather on google, it's due to a overheat, so I placed a giant room fan in front of it, to counter it, and I have not had a problem since. Obviously it's not a great solution, so I need a new CPU cooler, and here is the question

Should I get a water cooler, or is that not necessary? And if so, what do I need to look for in a water cooler? I've never tried something like that, and of course it needs to be compatible with my system, and strong enough to eliminate the problem

Specs :
CPU - Intel Core i7-4790K CPU @4.00GHz
Motherboard - Maximus VII Ranger
Current cooler - Arctic Cooler Freezer 13
Power - Corsair AX760
GPU - EVGA GeForce GTX 980TI

Thanks for reading, and hopefully some help!
i would try a fan first

yes usually any fan the same size will do the job as long as you are able to attach it to the heatsink

some times they use fans with clips built into the fan frame so a different fan wont clip on--but theres usually a way of making it fit on if thats the case---cable ties,screws that go between the fins etc

Is it enough, when running high performance games almost everyday too?
(GTA 5 Online and Counter Strike Global Offensive, for many hours straight )

I had it made way back, many years ago, but I gave it a almost complete rebuild around 2 years ago, my cpu, gpu psu, motherboard, hdd basically, all I kept was the case and cooler. It ran just fine for almost all of those two years, it's a recent problem, that came up, So I was thinking maybe it because a bit defect, or something. It also started showing me a "CPU Fan Error" from time to time when I would boot up my PC although it's not always it would do that

Alright, so you would just suggest a new fan or worst case just a new fan cooler? Because they are a much different price.
The CPU came with a fan, and I'm pretty sure I have it laying around, I would assume the fan that came with it would work, although I have heard people say not to use those. Looks like a simple fan, no big metal lump,. What about that one?
And btw, thanks for the help so far!
i would try a fan first

yes usually any fan the same size will do the job as long as you are able to attach it to the heatsink

some times they use fans with clips built into the fan frame so a different fan wont clip on--but theres usually a way of making it fit on if thats the case---cable ties,screws that go between the fins etc

Make sure you replace the thermal paste with some new, high quality stuff such as Arctic MX4 when you swap out the fan as this is the most common culprit for CPU overheating.

Alright, I'll give it a go! Maybe you were right it was inpropor install, it's just weird, it did not affect until now. But thanks for the feedback! I'll go ahead and give it a fix tonight!

Yes, I was reading about this as well, I picked up some new thermal paste a few weeks ago, and I'll study some more tutorials before applying it, but there seem to be many different ways people use it, some cover up the entire surface, others apply it a little here and a little there, some use quite a bit some use barley anything, but I'll make sure to dig around to find the right way to make sure the paste is not the problem


Personally i would wipe away the old paste with some 90%+ rubbing alcohol and then apply thermal paste around the size of a grain of rice to the center of the CPU, then simply re-attach your cooler and you're good to go. I've used this methods on all my builds and fixes and it hasn't failed me yet :)

Fair enough, it's worth a go! Thanks!