CPU Cooling (Tough decission to make)


Oct 21, 2016
Hi all, im having a really big problem.

My CPU is constantly hot & gets overheated most of the times,
I have asked around a bit and friends (that make their own computer) told me to:
A. Get a new cooler (like https://www.coolblue.be/nl/product/773164/noctua-nh-d15.html)
B. Get a new motherboard & cpu

What should i do? (Im a PC gamer wanting to run all games i own on Ultra settings, i own CoD, Overwatch & Battlefield, games like that)

Socket: 1155
Processor: Intel i7 2600K


This seems to have reduced the temperature quite a bit, not sure why it was overclocked. Dont really like having 70C° all the time though, should i keep this for now or go for option A / B ?



Not sure what cooler i have right now, costed around 50€ back when i purchased it.
My current case should be big enough for this cooler. Water cooling im not really sure of it but COULD give it a try.

(I have Not Happy? Money Back Within 30 Days on that website)