Cpu didnt [isn't being] fully utilized


Jul 29, 2017
Why [strike]did[/strike] is my cpu [strike]didnt[/strike] not fully utilized on all game that i play?

Dota 10% and fps under 30 mid-high sett
H1z1 Kotk i got 30 fps even though i sett low or med . just the same fps
Vsync off
and i already set it to high performance power plan
How can i get full cpu utilization?

Spec :
I5-3470s 3.4GHz
8GB Ram 1600mhz
Gt 730
*sorry for my bad english , i hope u all understand*
The GT730 may be limiting your performance, depending on your resolution settings.....; lower your resolution to 720P and go to medium/low settings, depending on game's age...

Might be time to consider a GTX1030, or, GTX1050Ti if budget allows...
The GT730 may be limiting your performance, depending on your resolution settings.....; lower your resolution to 720P and go to medium/low settings, depending on game's age...

Might be time to consider a GTX1030, or, GTX1050Ti if budget allows...

But before this i use E5800 with 4gb ddr2 ram 800mhz gt730 and i get alot better fps
A bit more useful details to the story, I see.....; so from this we can determine you just recently swap motherboards/CPUs, and are now struggling with framerate drops due to botched driver/chipset issues? :)

You can't swap mainboards/chipsets, reboot, and have it all work out like swapping a mouse or keyboard...unfortunately. :)

It would be best to do a full reinstall, but, you can try going to device manager, and deleting everything gpu, and chipset related, and then rebooting, and , armed with your chipset driver discs, reinstall things properly. Or, just delete your partition and reinstall for practice!

oh ya i forgot to tell that i also use a new hdd and already install all the drivers