So I have been facing a problem since quite a few weeks, where my system just randomly enters sleep mode. I couldn't nail it down as to what is wrong, but today I decided to use HW monitor to only monitor voltages, for I was doubting PSU is bad.
as you can see in the above image Look at the Max power value being "38000+". That's like impossible value to be had, but when the processor hits that value, the PC enters sleep mode, I am guessing to calm down. It doesn't restart, it doesn't obstruct any of my ongoing processes, just locks the computer and enters sleep mode and I have to login back into it. But its been very disruptive in my work and I have been at a loss. It doesn't happen once a day or once an hour, it happens every few minutes as soon as I perform just a bit of heavy task, like editing in photoshop or premiere. Surprisingly, it happens less frequently in games.
Another surprising thing is that it stopped happening a few weeks ago and everything ran smooth. No sleep mode, no problems under load, nothing. Since last night, I was playing a game, and it started happening again.
Can someone tell me what might be causing this sudden burst of power draw resulting in system going in sleep mode?
Here's a closer look at just CPU voltage and power.
Is this just an arbitrary value that indicates either CPU or PSU is failing? But if its PSU failing that the system should shut down, right? But this is just entering lock screen, and only CPU power is spiking. Not to mention Voltages aren't spiking either.
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