CPU fan at 100% speed on startup


Feb 5, 2016
Just made a new account for this. I got a new motherboard recently and ever since the first boot the CPU fan has been running at 100% speed. As soon as the MSI splash page pops up the CPU immediately goes to 100%. I've already cleared the CMOS and have reapplied thermal paste twice.

Edit: Forgot to mention that it's at 100% speed the entire time it's on

Motherboard: https://us.msi.com/product/motherboard/H61ME23_B3.html#hero-overview
CPU: i7-3770 (non k)
Cooler: Some generic one that came with my prebuilt (that's been working fine up until this point)
Go into the BIOS and configure CPU Smart Fan Target (see page 3-9 of the manual): https://us.msi.com/product/motherboard/support/H61ME23_B3.html#down-manual

As indicated in your manual: "You can install Control Center utility that will automatically control the CPUFAN speeds according to the actual CPUFAN temperatures."; however setting it in the BIOS is preferred.

Twice. As in I cleaned everything off the CPU and heatsink and reapplied it
Go into the BIOS and configure CPU Smart Fan Target (see page 3-9 of the manual): https://us.msi.com/product/motherboard/support/H61ME23_B3.html#down-manual

As indicated in your manual: "You can install Control Center utility that will automatically control the CPUFAN speeds according to the actual CPUFAN temperatures."; however setting it in the BIOS is preferred.

Currently, it's disabled. Should I configure it at whatever temp I want it to be or is there a recommended one?
When disabled the fan runs at full speed and you don't seem to like it; therefore set it to an acceptable value. The higher the value, the longer it takes for the fan speed to increase. I don't know what values are available, but there's no reason to set it below 65-70°C.

Thank you very much for your help and for making my first experience in Tom's Hardware wonderful. Configuring the CPU fan solved my problem even if it was as simple as reading the manual and going into the bios. Sorry for making you go through it.
At boot, the cpu is doing an incredible amount of work setting drivers, starting stuff, booting windows etc, so the fan will goto 100% automatically until something changes that. This is normal. You have 2 options. Change the cpu fan settings in bios, or wait until windows loads at which point you can use the MSI Control Center to set all fan speeds, including case fans and/or cpu fan. This is assuming the cpu fan/s are actually plugged into the cpu_fan header (pwm controlled) or a sys_fan header (analog/pwm) and not a full time 12v header like cpu_aux which is usually not controlled or a molex/Sata cable direct to the psu.

Clc/aio fan settings can be somewhat different, using USB via software such as corsair link or nzxt CAM etc.

Forgot to mentions it's 100% the entire. My problem is solved now, but thanks for your input.

I had the same problem now, so, how did you solve this problem? Thank you for sharing

I honestly don't remember and I'm sorry. If you have the same motherboard as I, my guess is do what the best answer suggests. Other than that again I'm sorry and I hope you find a solution.