Cpu fan blowing

Monitor the temps of both GPU & CPU, if they look okay after a few hours running I wouldn't worry about it.

It's your actual temps which will tell you more about what's happening rather than, at this stage, wondering if fan orientation poses a problem.
It probably won't help your gpu much and you may find there's a bit more noise from your gpu if the gpu cooler is having to work harder to cool it. Why is the cpu cooler blowing down on the gpu? Is there no way to aim it to the case's rear exhaust or top exhaust (if the case has it)? It would be more effective to aim the cpu exhaust toward someplace on the case that's already exhausting hot air rather than dump the cpu heat right back into the case. The cpu cooler may have to work slightly harder as well if the case temps rise vs orienting the cpu's fan differently.

This is an example of a cooler situated with the fan on the back of the gpu . Same as my problem .