[SOLVED] CPU fan error on new Asus B550


Dec 11, 2016
So I finally received my set of CPU 5600x and TUF B550, as well as MSI Cooler Frozr
I installed everything , booted and it gave me an error of CPU fan and it entered BIOS settings, the fan of the Frozr was running normally , the BIOS listed a chassis fam at 700rpm and an AIO at 1200rpm, while I don't have an AIO!!!
I entered the advanced menu and set the CPU fan monitoring to ''ignore'' so I can get rid of the error message
Why would the mobo see my cpu fan as an AIO?
Letting the monitoring to ignore means the CPU fan will not speed up in case of need?
It could be listing the CPU fan as AIO because its plugged into the AIO header on the motherboard.
Where exactly do you have the fan plugged in?