Hello I have a coolermaster hyper 212 evo. Whenever I start my computer I get this error saying that it failed. Press f2 to continue. However when I continue, the PC shuts down when at the starting windows logo. I am not sure if it is related but I would really like to know a fix for this.
I have an OEM HP motherboard
Antec basiq 430 (80 plus certified)
HD 7770
If there is any fix for this that would be nice because there are no options in the bios to change the threshold for fan speeds. If you are wondering if I plugged it into the right socket, yes I did and I even checked motherboard formats online. This previously worked before on a xigmagek dark knight ii sd1283
I have an OEM HP motherboard
Antec basiq 430 (80 plus certified)
HD 7770
If there is any fix for this that would be nice because there are no options in the bios to change the threshold for fan speeds. If you are wondering if I plugged it into the right socket, yes I did and I even checked motherboard formats online. This previously worked before on a xigmagek dark knight ii sd1283