CPU Fan Speed not changing AsRock


Jul 29, 2017
Hello guys, I am trying to fix a PC from a friend and now after a couple of days I am tired of it. Got no solution for it..

PC has a FM2A68M-HD+ Motherboard and a AMD A8-7600 CPU.

He gave me his PC with an info that it probably overheats. And that is correct!
So I installed Speed Fan and wanted to check the Temperature, GPU Normal, CPU is little bit higher BUT FAN that is on CPU is running the whole time with a SAME SPEED!
I tried changing it in Speed Fan. So the Temperature is around 40-45 in Idle and goes to 65.
Fan is really silent, almost no sound from it, even when the temperature went to 65 speed was the same.

So I checked inside their AsRock Utility thingy and there are some options to change CPU Fan on Performance, Silent and no idea what, forgot already (if its needed I will check).

So pretty much the PC is working ok I would say, only the heating thing is a little problem..
Well I hope I will get some help from You guys!

!! I googled already for a solution, and I read something about putting in AsRock UEFI fan speed to automatic, but I do not have it there!

First off, SpeedFan can't control CPU_FAN header. To control that, you need to go to the BIOS.

MoBo manual, page 56, chapter 4.6, "CPU Fan 1 Setting" shows where and how you can set the CPU_FAN header to run "Full On" or "Automatic Mode".
link: ftp://europe.asrock.com/Manual/FM2A68M-HD+.pdf

Though, to get rid of overheating issues, add more case fans with correct direction for better airflow. If that isn't enough, change thermal paste between CPU heatsink and CPU. If that too doesn't cut for it, get a bigger CPU cooler. Also, don't forget to clean dust from the inside of the case, especially from CPU heatsink.