This is very depended on what CPU you're buying. A real 4 core will usually be better, but advetisments may not be true.
To better understand what i said, an AMD Athlon 845 is advertised as a 4 core prossesor, but in reality, its 2 core/4 thread prossesor.
Most i5's are 4 core prossesors.
I'd recommend for 1080p gaming that you should buy the Intel i5 7600 or 7600k if you do want to overclock.
Keep in mind the 7600k requires more power, and this specific i5 will need a bios update to work on older chipset motherboards.
If you really dont think you can update your motherboard, or you cant get someone to do it, i'd suggest the i5 6600/6600k.
If again you're in a tight budget, then its a no brainer that you should buy the pentium...