I'm trying to build a inexpensive PC for little more than $400 (not including an OS).
My graphics card of choice at this moment is a EVGA 960 w/ 2GB VRAM which should meet my price point after selling the free game that is included.
I was going to go with 4GB VRAM but decided to save a few $$ and get 2GB VRAM instead, this gives me a few more dollars to play with.
At first I was going to go with a FX 6300 but now having about $20 more to spend makes me wonder if going for an Intel i3 would be a better choice over an similarly priced AMD CPU.
TLR For about $120 which CPU would give the best bang for my buck?
EDIT: forgot to mention this is primarily a gaming build.
My graphics card of choice at this moment is a EVGA 960 w/ 2GB VRAM which should meet my price point after selling the free game that is included.
I was going to go with 4GB VRAM but decided to save a few $$ and get 2GB VRAM instead, this gives me a few more dollars to play with.
At first I was going to go with a FX 6300 but now having about $20 more to spend makes me wonder if going for an Intel i3 would be a better choice over an similarly priced AMD CPU.
TLR For about $120 which CPU would give the best bang for my buck?
EDIT: forgot to mention this is primarily a gaming build.