CPU For a GTX 560ti


Jul 19, 2012
It will not let me edit the origional post, but my Power Supply that i have is the XFX 650w Just incase that is an issue.
I have a core i5 2500k for my 560ti. I don't think that ivy bridge would bottleneck it. Not sure of the performance of that processor though.
Get the MSI gtx 560 Ti model with an i5-2500k. Also, if you do get that CPU. I personally suggest getting different cooling like the H80. As It got really hot with the stock cooler running some games.
650w is suffice easily for anything i5 and under as I've overclocked mine and I've only got 600w.

Edit: sleepy and didn't click link. But, i don't know that model. Also, Some states get to buy stuff from Newegg.com Tax free so you might save some money buying there instead of that site as I don't know that website either o,0
Best thing i do which i would but am a bit too sleepy. read reviews from websites like newegg for stuff.

system would be nice. Reviews don't look too bad and decent price.

no that set up would not bottleneck CPU. unless a game is crappy coded and relies way too much on the cpu. Some games are like that mostly just mmos seem to make shadows and such rely on the cpu. Which wouldn't matter really considering mmos graphics aren't really pretty at all.
Otherwise you'd be fine with that. More than likely You won't get max Graphics on Bf3 with a 560 Ti regardless of your cpu. well with decent fps that is.

If you decide later to go about OCing the CPU. Which would entirely be based on the temps with that cooler. But, I use a H80 and overclocked to 4.5ghz Easily and never pass 48c. However, ivybridge get a bit hotter than the Sandy bridge so might see higher temps.
just a heads up, if you get the Asus P8Z77-V LX, its pci-3 lanes are 16x/4x and is not SLI certified, so if you go the nvidia path for gpus, the most you can do is physx if you add in another card.

yeah, if you intend to go SLI get a better board. The only way you'll get the most out of BF3 is going SLI it would seem that game has been the gpu rapist.

Im from the UK, so its different XD (dabs is a UK based site)
And to all the other people, you think that i should get a different mobo?
What about this:

CPU £157: http://www.dabs.com/products/intel-core-i5-3550-s1155-3-3ghz-6mb-7YXK.html?refs=4294944663&src=2
Motherboard £76: http://www.dabs.com/products/gigabyte-h77-d3h-s1155-intel-z77-ddr3-atx-800W.html?refs=4294943313&src=3
RAM £35: http://www.dabs.com/products/crucial-8gb--2x4gb--240pin-dimm-ddr3-pc3-10600-70JG.html?refs=468550000-354710000&src=3
I am in a new build now myself and I just received i5-2500K which is a Sandy Bridge not IvyBridge? Been reading these and yes great points brought up. Thank you.
I have a corsair 750w PSU. The worst part of my build is my case..roswell challenger which at some point when I will upgrade parts I will just get another case. 2500K and the 560ti is a good combo. I can play pretty much all my games maxed out at 1920x1080.

yeah the 2500k is sandybridge the one he's looking at is ivybridge.

That motherboard is worse than the other one. If you want a decent board look at ones upwards of 150$.
I'm using Asrock P67 extreme4. Perhaps you can get one similar to it for your system. It's a very nice board I believe I paid 200$ for.

I still can't figure this out. I read that motherboard in the combo deal was 1155. Yet it advertised the CPU as ivy bridge which i am certain ivy bridge are for the 2011 socket. Maybe things are that different in another country. Unlikely but Possible i suppose.

Here's a few parts i picked out.
All Very nice motherboards.

CPU ivybridge:
CPU Sandybridge:

Those are the parts I'd pick from.

Now will someone explain to me what the is up with this whole ivy bridge deal here. What is the damn point of having the 2011 socket if here we are with 1155 versions of ivybridge? Or Say it vice versa. Why have these versions of ivybridge when there's already sandybridge that compares and ivybridge I thought was supposed to be the E-series.


Im not sure what you mean, but i dont really want to spend anything over £350 on Motherboard / CPU / Ram, so i thought that the deal that i found was quit nice (origional post)
How much performance will i gain if i use one of the motherboards that you linked instead of the one in the origional post? Is it worth the extra money for another 10 fps?

it's not the immediate performance that will come from those boards. It's the upgrade path that they give. they all support SLI. Which if you have a gtx 560 you'll probably want to do SLI later on at some point to get the best you can out of some games. Like BF3 you won't get max performance without doing SLI especially with 560.

If you can deal with lower FPS on some games on max graphics then the bundle isn't bad. Not saying gtx 560 ti is going to get really low fps. about 35-50 or so I'm sure. But, more or less When i buy parts I make sure each part supports upgrades over time just as much as immediate performance.

Also, there's many other features they include I don't believe the board in that bundle includes.
That bundle is really not bad though.

pre built system, is the one i linked ok?

don't need anything more than windows home premium 64bit.
looks decent though. Although If you didn't already buy the gpu. try to get the MSI twin frozr one. It's one I've got and it's an fing beast best cooling above them all Imo.

yeah that's what i got i believe.

i5-2500k only if your going to Overclock otherwise it's pointless.