CPU For Computer Science.


Apr 11, 2013
Hello, I'm going to be starting a degree in computer science. In the listing of later classes it talked about having to do programming. I'd be doing my class work as well as gaming 4k In my off time. While I know what kind of GPU I'll be looking for, does anyone have any recommendations for CPU with my usage in mind?
I'm replying to this, even though it's been answered, because the answer has no context for what you asked for, and I wanted to correct it :/

As far as programming goes in terms of being a student... you could use any computer. I can't see anything they'd ask you to do being incredibly demanding, even if you're using JetBrains IDEs with any semi-modern CPU. I can personally say that my i7-3770 purchased 5 years ago would be overkill for a computer science student as it is.

With 4k gaming, most of that is dependent on your video card - gotta get medium-to-high-end card released in the last year to get really good fps at 4k. I know my two-year old R9 380 isn't cutting it at 4K. As far as I know, most 2017 PC games have extremely low CPU requirements, so it really doesn't matter for gaming - you need a good GPU for that, like the gtx 1080 you stated. There's very few games that would benefit from having a really fast CPU, so likely the i7 8700k is a waste of money.

Source: I've been programming and working in software development for 26 years, and I've been a software architect for 15+ of them. Unless you start building extremely large applications that take longer than 6 months and are hundreds of thousands of lines of code, you don't really need a better CPU than this i7-3770 :) I'm not saying to buy an i7-3770 - I'm just saying it doesn't matter much, and that i7-8700k would really just go to waste. You don't need the latest and greatest for what you asked for.

Also check this video out:


There is basically no difference with respect to gaming vs the 7700k, and I bet an even lower CPU would produce basically the same gaming results.
If I was going to "grab a 1080 Ti" and could "go as high as $1,000" I would grab the parts I posted above. If I wanted to save money, I would go with something like this. And yes you're right, there would be little to no difference in most 4K gaming.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i5-8400 2.8GHz 6-Core Processor ($199.89 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: MSI - Z370-A PRO ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($119.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $319.88
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-11-21 17:58 EST-0500