CPU for Streaming?


Sep 3, 2014
I want to stream and run cs go at 300 fps and stream so should I get a Xeon 1241 V3 or a i5 4690k and PC it to 4ghz
Unless you absolutely plan on having the capability to overclock, spending extra on an overclockable z board and k cpu is a waste. Considering that h and z are practically the same price, going for a z board makes sense as they are easier to find and have a larger variety to suit personal tastes. Now what's left is OC. If you do not plan on OC then either a 4770 or 4790 or Xeon 1230v2 or 1230v3 is fine. All those cpus are very strong capability wise, and have no need to have any kind of speed boost like OC provides. If you must have OC capability then a 4770k or 4790k is what you want, but they do cost more.

OC is a hobby for mainstream cpus, it only more like a necessity for older generations that lack the power needed by current...

Go with the Xeon 1241 V3 because it has HyperThreading and thus better multi-tasking capabilities. It's also a stronger CPU as it's on par with the 4770k/4790k. Gaming performance will be practically identical for the 2 CPUs.

edit: Xeons are also server level processor which means that they have that certified reliability.
Xeons are not overclockable,so you can eliminate that one.
You can also(kinda)eliminate the 4690K,because streaming really needs more cores to run smoother,and the 4690K has 4 cores,while 6 or 8 are the best option.
If you can save some money and get a 4790K,definitely go for that. That would be the first and best option.
Second is to go for the 4690K. You will be able to OC it easily to 4.0 GHz,provided that you have a good Z97 MoBo and a good CPU cooler.Streaming is possible,but it won't be as great as with the 4790K
Third option is the Xeon.Not overclockable and not made for gaming,but servers. If you run servers,then go for it,but for gaming,nah.
I would squeeze another $60 to the price of the Xeon to get the 4790K,as it will be enough for your needs. :)
Unless you absolutely plan on having the capability to overclock, spending extra on an overclockable z board and k cpu is a waste. Considering that h and z are practically the same price, going for a z board makes sense as they are easier to find and have a larger variety to suit personal tastes. Now what's left is OC. If you do not plan on OC then either a 4770 or 4790 or Xeon 1230v2 or 1230v3 is fine. All those cpus are very strong capability wise, and have no need to have any kind of speed boost like OC provides. If you must have OC capability then a 4770k or 4790k is what you want, but they do cost more.

OC is a hobby for mainstream cpus, it only more like a necessity for older generations that lack the power needed by current games like bf4 or ac to increase fps.

Since what you are asking of a pc doesn't require cutting edge tech and uber powerful cpu, I'd go with whatever you can get the best deal on, whether it is a Xeon or k or non-k