CPU fried or I missed something


Dec 20, 2013
Hello Guys
I received a desktop PC from my friend. He said a guy who did remodeling on his floors unplug it while it was still running.
I have replaced motherboard and PSU. But when I turn it on it won't show nothing on the screen. Fans keep running but nothing shows and no beep.
Is the CPU fried also?

That's good news. I guess step 21 in the checklist may be a little to far down the list. Maybe I'll move it up.
if the mb has onboard video port pull the gpu and any extra cards and use one ram stick. see if you can get the onboard video to work. if there extra cards or usb devices unplug them to get it to post. also check under the mb see if there a drop screw or the mb shorting out to the case.

I already went thru all that . That is why I ask the question because I did not find the problem. Also I do have a speaker from other PC but I have no idea where to attach it to my motherboard.
Oh wow it worked!!!! I removed the battery for 5 minutes and put it back in and it works!!! I will put in all the other hardware in and see if it will work then.

That's good news. I guess step 21 in the checklist may be a little to far down the list. Maybe I'll move it up.

I performed that step before. But I removed it for 10 seconds only. Maybe it worked this time because I found somewhere on this forum that I should take it out for at least 5 minutes