CPU GPU Motherboard upgrade


Nov 3, 2009
Hello all.
Following a decision to upgrade my GPU, it appears that it is time for a CPU upgrade also.
You're advice would be welcome.
current specs
novatech vulcan v2 case. 92 exhaust, 1x 120 front, 2 x 120 side.
Antec earthwatts ea500d
Gigabyte Ga 970 ds3 rev 1.0
FX 6350 (stock)
Noctua NH L12
2x4gb hyperx ddr3 1600 cl9
Kingston v200 90gb ssd
500gb WD Blue HDD
Philips DVD RW
Asus CU 1gb 7850 (oc 1050/1450 stock voltage)
Windows 10 pro 64bit

I would like to stick to £500 but will push to £600, though I do fancy a new case.
I like the look of the NZXT H440 for cooling and looks. Open options on this.
I would like a RX480 for future dx12 titles but the gtx 1060 is really tempting for its temperatures.
CPU wise, AM3 is a dead duck. Done me proud for 4 years but intel is a no brainer now. I was thinking i5. Do I go k and z170 board? Would like a Z170 board anyway for possible future upgrade cpu and overclock oppertunities.
I like cool and I like quiet. Don't really ever look at my case, so asthetics are not a major issue. Garish, NO, plain, fine. Led, not interested. not the end of the world, but given a choice, it would be no led.
I have a Be Quiet Dark Rock TF already to go for the new CPU. Madmatt gave me the best advice so far regarding top down coolers. Though I did not get the recommended cooler, I did get the Noctua and the drop in vrm and northbridge temps were significant.
Of the current case fans, the 82 is a noctua and 1 of the side 120 is a noctua. I have another noctua with the cooler, so could use that also. I like the noctua fans. Airflow to noise ration is quite impressive.
In no major hurry as working away up to xmas, but would be nice to start gathering parts to build.
Thanks in advance.
Are you planning to overclock the CPU? If you are going to OC, then you should consider any motherboard with a z170 chipset and the best onboard sound you can find for gaming. I'd say that the z170 Gigabyte Gaming 3 will serve you very well and it falls in at 130 pounds.
Despite your OP has a few contradictions, eg "I like the look of the NZXT H440 for cooling and looks" vs "Don't really ever look at my case", I think you are sitting pretty here in terms of what you can piece together given your budget. I will assume then that you are keeping the noctua cooler, the existing chassis, psu, and SSD, because there is really no need to upgrade them.

PCPartPicker part list: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/LdkMCy
Price breakdown by merchant: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/LdkMCy/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-6600 3.3GHz Quad-Core Processor (£199.99 @ Amazon UK)
Motherboard: ASRock Z170 Pro4S ATX LGA1151 Motherboard (£97.45 @ CCL Computers)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2133 Memory (£62.99 @ Novatech)
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 6GB Turbo Video Card (£238.99 @ Scan.co.uk)
Total: £599.42
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-10-02 21:16 BST+0100
Thanks Cilliers.
Quick update.
Been scouring for bargains and so far picked up a 4x4gb corsair vengance lpx 2400 and i5 6600k all new for a real good bargain. This frees up a bit of budget for the motherboard. Gigabyte gaming k3, asrock gaming K4 look like bargains for under £110. Could now go up to £130 on mobo, but if I keep bargain hunting I may be able to free up enough for a better gpu or better cooling case.

Are you planning to overclock the CPU? If you are going to OC, then you should consider any motherboard with a z170 chipset and the best onboard sound you can find for gaming. I'd say that the z170 Gigabyte Gaming 3 will serve you very well and it falls in at 130 pounds.
Thanks for all your help.
I bought an Asus z170 A. Again, got a fantastic deal. Asus Z170 A, 4x4gb Corsair Vengance ddr4, i5 6600k for a tad under £330. I love a bargain hunt.
XFX RX 480 GTR is turning my head a bit. I think I'll sit on the GPU for a bit and wait to see what deal comes up first. rx 480 8gb/ gtx 1060 6gb, I guess I shouldn't be disappointed with either, as long as the 480 has a decent heatsink/fan set up. Are all the 1060's cool and quiet?