CPU guide for GPU's


Mar 4, 2018
Hello, Recently my friend gifted me a prebuild pc with
*) Intel Quad Core CPU Q9400 @2.44GHz
*) 8Gb ram
*) Dell 0TP406 Motherboard
*) GTX 750ti
I wanted to know which will be the best CPU for this computer and if my motherboard is outdated?
(I am going to upgrade to 1050ti soon)
I'm pretty sure the fastest CPU that would fit in that motherboard is the Q9650 but the performance "increase" is minimal and not really worth it unless you got the Q9650 for free. Gaming wise with that system is med-low settings at 900P or less. Don't bother getting the 1050 ti, save up for a CPU/MB/RAM upgrade as you'll see a much bigger improvement from that then the GPU upgrade.

You won't notice ;uch if any performance increase by going to a 1050ti. This system apart from the 750ti is 10years old and is holding back the 750ti in most cases already. It is simply not capable of playing modern games and no amount of upgrading is going to change that if you stay on that platform.

I would just use it as is and save up for a new system.
Well that motherboard is about ten years old, so yeah it's getting old. That CPU is a core 2 quad and a good CPU for an LGA775 mobo, though it is almost 11 years old. I wouldn't bother with another core 2 quad. A 1050 ti will likely be held back quite a bit by that CPU in modern games. It may be able to get the most out of a 750 ti in some games, not sure.
I'm pretty sure the fastest CPU that would fit in that motherboard is the Q9650 but the performance "increase" is minimal and not really worth it unless you got the Q9650 for free. Gaming wise with that system is med-low settings at 900P or less. Don't bother getting the 1050 ti, save up for a CPU/MB/RAM upgrade as you'll see a much bigger improvement from that then the GPU upgrade.
Your system is definitely outdated, the Core2 Quad is of 2008 vintage, so is the motherboard and the Q9400 is at higher end of that age. If you want to play more recent games, you'll need to upgrade the whole system, a 1050 alone won't do it as the CPU isn't keeping up.

So I should buy a new Motherboard and then purchase new cpu?


Basically get a new system as a whole.