Cpu has bend please help!!!!


Oct 18, 2017
I just bought a new Intel core i5 8400 but by mistake when I was installing it one side was not properly fit and now it has bent now I don't know will it work cause I don't have Ram here right now so I am not able to power on my PC but I am very afraid that what should I do if it does not work. It is only as slide friend and now I have tried to flatten it and it has to a very extent. But if you look at the back you can see that the reflection of the bend part is different from the whole proccessor. Please help I am very afraid and because the processor was very expensive for me.

can u provide the picture of the damage !
I'm so sorry this happened! I had this happen once with a Xeon server board. Depending on how badly the pins are bent you may be able to use an Xacto blade to gently move them into position. This worked for me. Basically you want to adjust any that look out of place when viewed from different angles. Use a magnifying glass and be VERY gentle. Mine did not look perfect, but it booted just fine.

If the board is brand new, you could probably return it.
There is no guarantee that fixing this will work. But you can have a look at this link below and try it.
The damage is done but you can probably undo it with a card or a pen as per the guide. Do this at your own risk, just like mounting a CPU is at your own risk.

Also beware of static electricity, it can break your CPU very easily and you not supposed to actually touch the pins at all (I never do).


Edit: You can also have a look at this video from JayzTwoCents on how to fix a more drastic damage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8U2NkbiMAI

You can upload your picture at imgur or at imageshacks and there u will see the direct link for your picture just copy and paste it in your thread !

In the INTEL the pins are usually in the motherboard be sure to check if u have also not bent any pins over there !

BY the way how the [watch your language] u managed to that much damage !

watch your language

I am sorry but still that is just nxt lvl damage as if that guy was putting his processor with eyes closed . if it would have been an amd then it would be natural or bent pins also but bent processor !!!!!!
all you can do is try and speak with intel customer relation person not a support person. see if they do a one time rma for you. try to be nice on the phone. that damage has happened before and there has been online posts that some mb (asus) clips were known for bending/snapping cpu chips. when the newer intel chipset and mb came out a lot of cpu coolers had to be changed do to much force and breaking cpu chips.
Actually what happened was when I was installing the processor the processor was placed correctly but when I was pulling the lever to tighten it by mistake the Lever springed up and the processor got a bit of the socket and I was not able to notice it and I again full of the CPU socket
For future reference, the motherboard has the pins. The CPU has "pads" that sit on the pins.

As long as your chip is NOT cracked and the CPU pads are just "scratched" there is a good chance it will boot just fine. It is hard to tell from the picture. Use a can of air to blow off any debris from the chip to make sure that metal is not shorting any of the pads.


Ok thanks for your help.

We're not here to judge only to help. People make mistakes. I once forgot to plug in my CPU fan after I built a computer. I've bent pins on both AMD and Intel. I've even caught a motherboard on fire once. Yes that really happened. We hopefully learn from our mistakes though. We've probably all made mistakes. You put a CPU in the wrong way and stuff can easily be broken or bent. It happens. Hopefully the CPU and motherboard will work though but I doubt it will. The slightest bend on a CPU can cause it not to ever work again. I once had a slightly bent CPU. Bought it that way on ebay. Figured I'd give it a try. It did not work at all. The seller tried to tell me I just needed more mounting pressure on the CPU to flatten it out but I never could get it to work.

Thanks for your support I will try my best to make it work and if it does not have to buy a new one which is a bit expensive for me as I am a student
Thanks everyone for you suggestions now i have got my ram and my pc is working!!!!!
the processor is working fine and within safe temps and now its rocking....
thnx and btw i am only 13.....