CPU has blue plastic ring glued to it


May 9, 2017
I recently bought a used Xeon E5-2670 and it came with a blue plastic ring glued securely all the way around it, like this:


*The picture won't load, here is a link: https://i.stack.imgur.com/21dyT.png *

I'm wondering what this is? What purpose does it serve? Do I just rip it off? The motherboard cpu cover won't close over the top of it. Any information would be appreciated.

Sorry, I placed it in the motherboard already, but I had to cut the plastic edges off so it would fit. There is nothing irregular about the underside of the chip, this blue plastic only sits on top of it. You can see the corners of the chip peeking out from below. I have never seen anything like this so I'm not even sure what its called.

Yes. Works great, I just have no clue what this blue thing is so I would appreciate any info on it. The vendor says to just rip it off but I'm hesitant to apply so much force to the chip.
I opened your image in Imgur.com and then right clicked and selected "Search Google for Image", and a bunch of results came up showing a CPU with the blue plastic thing, so it appears to be normal. Perhaps someone else who has used the Xeon's will know the purpose and how/whether to remove it.

Those are mostly for ebay resellers. I'm on here because I can't find information anywhere. I asked on the page of the vendor where I got the chip and the responses were moslty that theirs did not have them and that I was some kind of moron for not knowing what this was. And yet I still can not find information on what this is, what is its purpose, or what to do with it.

Seems like they placed that ring around it as a production aid and a protectant during what ever their process is. The heat spreader is glued on very well so I'd take it off. As of right now it could be acting like a shim and when you lock the chip down it may applying too much force to the pins.