CPU heating up to 206°C and major fps drop in every game

You dont rly have good mobo for that CPU.Try to update BIOS and set to Default settings,maybe that will solve problem.Also check if your cpu fan is installed properly,clean dust if there is any and change thermal paste if you need to.And try to disable Turbo Core in BIOS it helps sometimes.

Just looked into MSI site about that mobo and it doesn't support FX 8350 only fx 8300 max 95 TDP.So your problem is Motherboard.

Yeah, Im not sure if that is right, the sensor may be broken. Multiple programs say the same.

I find that really hard to believe... Have you checked the temps in the bios ? http://www.ehow.com/how_6826456_check-cpu-temperature-bios.html
Did you install the cpu yourself ? Have you checked for dust ? Obviously,you wouldnt have come here unless it was really overheating but 206 degrees is off the charts by a ton.
I know these are kinda of generic,but sometimes its simple things that are overlooked.So I have to ask.

Well, its only when I play games eg. CS:GO or any other game. When I tab out to look at the temperature, it says 206 Degrees C, then it starts to go down rapidly. The normal standby temperature is about 20 C. I catch it most of the time at 206 when I get major frame drop.

You dont rly have good mobo for that CPU.Try to update BIOS and set to Default settings,maybe that will solve problem.Also check if your cpu fan is installed properly,clean dust if there is any and change thermal paste if you need to.And try to disable Turbo Core in BIOS it helps sometimes.

Just looked into MSI site about that mobo and it doesn't support FX 8350 only fx 8300 max 95 TDP.So your problem is Motherboard.

Thank you so much man!

Sorry for being unclear, I will most likely just buy a new mobo think im gonna go with this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131851&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
Do you know of any cheaper ones?

Fine choice sir.If you want cheaper you can go with one i have M5A97 EVO R2.0 or MSI GAMING 970 http://us.msi.com/product/mb/970_GAMING.html#hero-overview.IF you have some more extra cash to spare trow in aftermarket cooler and then you can clock that CPU more and push that GTX 970 to limits XD.