CPU help Please


Nov 2, 2013
hello my motherboard is "Gigabyte GA-78LMT-S2P" and i would like to know a good gaming CPU i could have and not too expensive,
AMD FX Bulldozers are not worth buy as per me... As I said AMD FX 9xxx have not much reviews, so I dont know much about it.. COD : BO and other COD games don't need high-end, medium end Gaming PCs...

If you are in USA then you should buy from newegg.com ...There you would get a good affordable price that you could buy...
And as per your PC's speccy info I see that you have a low grade RAM... It is running on 667MHz... **memory matters but frequency matters most** and it is in single channel... So this also affects your gaming...

If you dont want to spend much then I say to go with -
Intel Core i5-4670 (4670k if you want to overclock) $220
MSI Z87-G43 $120
Corsair Vengeance 8GB Dual Channel (2x4GB) $85
nVIDIA GTX 650Ti Boost...
from the cpu support list on gigabytes website.... you'd be looking at FX cpus from the Zambezi line. Like the AMD FX 6120 or FX 8120

it does support some OEM CPUs like the FX 8300 and FX 6200, but those are hard to find.

So go with whatever you can afford out of the following FX 6120, FX 8120, Phenom II X6 1100T, Phenom II X6 1065T, Phenom II X4 965

The phenom II cpus might be a bit overpriced since they are not being sold by retailers anymore. If you can afford it, go with the 8120, if not go with the 6120. I can't really recommend any other Zambezi cpus other than those. The 6120 should be cheap enough and not too much more expensive than a FX-4150.
can you tell your budget for the CPU...cause for that motherboard you should go with AMD FX processors.... Go for 8xxx series FX processors.... As 6xxx processors are not so good for gaming... PS : I have used AMD FX 6100 and it has very poor physics for gaming... This will cause lags during gaming... Even though I had ZOTAC GTX 650 Ti AMP! Edition 2GB Graphics Card but still I had lags because of that AMD FX 6100 processor....

So I prefer you to go with 8xxx series FX Processors.... If you could tell your budget then I could tell which would be the good that would fit in your budget...

Can you tell your full specs of your computer... As per your motherboard you would not get even low performance in gaming...Your motherboard is like just to fit the processor and run it and nothing else... IF you could spend more and upgrade your motherboard to MSI Z87-G43 and Intel core i5 4670k... for like $325... and then you would get low-med gaming experience....and If you have a graphics card and that is good for gaming then you would get medium gaming experience...

My specs are: graphic: ATI Radeon HD 3800 Series ram: 8 GB Hard-drive: 1.5 TB

Uh...Nice with HDD but what RAM do you have means whats its frequency... ? Low frequency high memory RAM are also of not much use... And your graphics card... You will not get very low fps in games... BTW what games are you going to play... If you are going to play games like Crysis 3, BF3, etc you will not be able to play.. Even though game will start but in low settings you will get FPS lower than 15(as per my experience) ...

I did not got much info about your PC... Download Speccy from http://www.piriform.com/download .... Then open it and wait until you see all info about your computer and then click on File>Publish Snapshot>Copy the url shown and post it here...

I suggest you to upgrade your Motherboard/Processor/Graphics Card.... If you want a medium gaming experience..Then you will need to upgrade these things... If high-end gaming experience then upgrade motherboard/processor and a high graphics card...

And you also didn't mention your budget...

here is my specs the snapshot u asked for: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/TjlIA7KmYxrcPKj70HCtcBO
i dont really know how much i want to spend on it but i dont want to spend too much, and im playing black ops with 60 fps what is fairly good i guess

First of all, his motherboard only supports bulldozer, Phenom II and the 8300 (which is only OEM and not available through retail).

Second, bulldozer isn't as bad as you make it out to be. Yes piledriver is better but it isn't THAT much better.

He wants to play black ops. The 6150 is capable of 100 FPS on max with an HD 7970 in black ops 2.

Long and short of it is, if you can afford 300.00 (assuming you are in the US) then upgrade to an i5 or an AMD piledriver. If you don't want to spend that much or can't, then a 6120 or 8120 would be ok. Hell for black ops it will do just fine.
AMD FX Bulldozers are not worth buy as per me... As I said AMD FX 9xxx have not much reviews, so I dont know much about it.. COD : BO and other COD games don't need high-end, medium end Gaming PCs...

If you are in USA then you should buy from newegg.com ...There you would get a good affordable price that you could buy...
And as per your PC's speccy info I see that you have a low grade RAM... It is running on 667MHz... **memory matters but frequency matters most** and it is in single channel... So this also affects your gaming...

If you dont want to spend much then I say to go with -
Intel Core i5-4670 (4670k if you want to overclock) $220
MSI Z87-G43 $120
Corsair Vengeance 8GB Dual Channel (2x4GB) $85
nVIDIA GTX 650Ti Boost Edition 1GB/2GB (do not get Zotac GTX 650Ti AMP! Edition 2GB) $150

total - $575

This is the best of I can tell you...But still I suggest you not to get AMD FX processors...

The Piledriver AMD FX processors are a huge step up from the bulldozer ones. They perform well, just as well as any i5 in newer games for a lot less money. Regardless, that's a good suggestion.