[SOLVED] CPU hit 95 degrees celcius


Sep 11, 2016
So while I was playing Apex Legends, the fans in my pc got a lot LOT louder than while browsing the internet, understandably so, but when I went to Core Temp, it said that I hit a max of 95 degrees celcius. Im using a Ryzen 5 2600 with the stock cooler and it is not overclocked. Why is this happening?
What are you considering purchasing?

Yes, all coolers will come with thermal paste. Either it'll be pre-applied (in which case, it's good for this application only) or will come with it's own tube/packet.

Certainly doesn't hurt to have some on-hand incase you ever have to reseat the cooler etc (or mess up in the installation). Anytime you remove the cooler, you should change the paste.
What kind of utilization did you see?

Not 100% sure if CoreTemp is reliable for Ryzen...... Did you cross reference with RyzenMaster etc to validate the number?

Could be any number of reasons - but airflow/dust would probably be the first place to look if this is a new occurrence.
What kind of utilization did you see?

Not 100% sure if CoreTemp is reliable for Ryzen...... Did you cross reference with RyzenMaster etc to validate the number?

Could be any number of reasons - but airflow/dust would probably be the first place to look if this is a new occurrence.

Well I just built the PC today. I can check RyzenMaster, also, the case I bought came with these magnetic net-like things over each vent of the case. Are these supposed to stay on? I just took them off and it seems there is more room for ventilation.

Thanks for your reply.
Yeah, those can stay on - they're filters IIRC.

If you just assembled today, sounds like the cooler isn't seated correctly - redo that as a starting point
Well I used RyzenMaster and kept it running while I played Apex, and it seems the highest it hit was 62 degrees celcius. Maybe it was just core temp. Although, when I'm playing, the fans get very loud, is that normal? I know the fans spin faster when there is a bigger load to deal with, but damn those things are cranking hardcore.
Don't recall how audible the 2600 stock cooler is, but I know it only gets the half-decent cooler (vs say a 2700X).

Depends on airflow etc too though. The same stock cooler will have to work harder in an airflow restricted case etc...
I am going back to MicroCenter tomorrow to get a different CPU cooler. I appreciate the advice. Do coolers come with thermal paste or will I have to purchase some?
What are you considering purchasing?

Yes, all coolers will come with thermal paste. Either it'll be pre-applied (in which case, it's good for this application only) or will come with it's own tube/packet.

Certainly doesn't hurt to have some on-hand incase you ever have to reseat the cooler etc (or mess up in the installation). Anytime you remove the cooler, you should change the paste.