CPU Install in relation to triangle


Jan 29, 2016
I Everyone,

Im hoping this should be a simple answer for some questions.
When installing a CPU onto a Mobo, you are supposed to match the triangle corner of the CPU to the triangle on the Mobo.
Hypothetically, if i was to put the CPU into the Mobo with the triangles not matching up, what would happen?
Would the CPU run?
Would it damage the CPU?
Would it even fit in snugly?


Hypothetically, you could try it and see if it works and the wallet would cover the costs. In practice, however, the misalignment of the pins can and will damage and break the pins on the CPU socket and often then not you will get errors or worse no power up.

You may want to state clearly if you've done the mistake, no harm in admitting it, just remember that there are guidelines in place to prevent you or the company from having to cover damages. It's also why they have tutorials for such events to not occur.
Hypothetically, you could try it and see if it works and the wallet would cover the costs. In practice, however, the misalignment of the pins can and will damage and break the pins on the CPU socket and often then not you will get errors or worse no power up.

You may want to state clearly if you've done the mistake, no harm in admitting it, just remember that there are guidelines in place to prevent you or the company from having to cover damages. It's also why they have tutorials for such events to not occur.

i havent done it yet, my cu fits in perfect, iv taken it back out and the pins are fine and iv 100% matched it up with the triangle but im not getting any boot up so i was contemplating trying the cpu a different way.......but im convinced not to XD
If the triangles match up, then that is correct. I suggest simplify your setup...... e.g. remove the graphics card, remove the disks, put in only one RAM stick (in the slot recommended in the motherboard manual), and plug your monitor into the motherboard. Then power up, and look for LEDs on the motherboard. The manual may mention which ones will flash in what pattern, depending on what is wrong.