CPU is hot and CPU Cooler is extremely loud


Sep 6, 2013
Ok so i built my first computer the other day and i downloaded speedfan to just see the temperatures of everything. Well my cpu and gpu are at like 47-51 with just skype and a few tabs of google chrome open. What could this be?! Also when my cpu fan is at 100% speed it is VERY VERY loud. So i have the automatic option on speed fan to slow it down a little so i can hear myself think. When my cpu hits 50C though it goes straight to 100%Fan Speed. What could be causing these two problems? (I am using the AMD fx 6200 Black Edition with its stock Cooler)

This is my case - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?gclid=CM3jkuDw174CFXTl7AoddEQA1w&Item=N82E16811144288&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-_-pla-_-Computer+Cases-_-N82E16811144288&ef_id=U4jYFAAAAS4A2hgl:20140601045234:s

I run the EVGA GeForce GT 620 Graphics card

My house normaly stays around 79-84 degrees

My case holds up to eight fans. I have a built in fan in the lower front that is blowing air in. And i purchased another blue led fan 120mm so that i could put it anywhere. I wasnt to sure where to put it and i have moved it a couple times but as of now it sits in the rear top blowing out as an exaust. I have found out that that helps quite a bit to get out the hot air that is blowing off of my cpu
Don't take this the wrong way, but did you happen to put thermal paste in between your CPU and cooler? If not, that's probably why.

But most, if not all, fans will be loud at 100%. That's how it works. But stock coolers aren't that good anyways. Consider buying an upgraded version. I HIGHLY recommend the Hyper 212 EVO. Great aftermarket cooler and really cheap! $35!


Just make sure it fits in your case. (A quick google will do the trick.)

Thanks for the reply!
i currently have the http://www.amazon.com/ARCTIC-Freezer-Rev-Cooler-Multi-Directional/dp/B002G392ZI
Is that one any good?

And yes i put the thermal paste in the right spot XD

That's the stock cooler you got with your CPU? Huh, odd.

It has good reviews, so I'm stumped.. Have you overclocked any?

no i have not overclocked at all
Are your temperatures going insanely high with just tabs open? I just have a feeling you either have a bad cooler or your thermal paste job wasn't that good. [No offense. Just naming the possible options.]

Ever thought of buying a new cooler?

what extremely high? I have no money to buy a new cooler as i spent it all on this computer but i tried the stock one and this one and they are the same. And i redid the thermal paste job once, and i am thinking about redoing it again.

What are your temps if you know? If not, download a program for it. I think CAM from NZXT tells you and maybe CPU-Z.

Technically, those are safe temperatures so you don't need to worry about your CPU overheating but for the little work you are doing on the computer your temps should be closer to 30-40C max.

Maybe try cleaning and repasting. It's possible you just don't have enough airflow in your case.

im sorry i meant to say what is an extremely high temperature? When im playing minecraft and have a few google chrome tabs open and livestreaming i am at like 60C

All of those at once? That's not too bad if that's true. Minecraft is CPU intensive, so it would ramp up your temperatures a bit especially on far render distance and the such.