[SOLVED] CPU isn't fitting into motherboard

Jan 11, 2019
Hi, I recently bought an AMD Ryzen 5 2600 6 core processor, and it won't fit into my ASROCK b450 Pro 4 motherboard. I've checked a few times and I'm pretty that they're both compatible, but whenever I try to drop the CPU into the socket with the arrows lined up correctly, it won't drop all the way down inside and one side will be pointing upwards.

Additionally, when I try flipping it the other way, the CPU fits just fine. Am I doing something wrong or is my CPU messed up somehow?
"Would a pin or two getting a bit bent cause it to fail to settle completely?'
Yeah but usually I think a pin that's bent that bad would be pretty visible.

It's just very puzzling because I have installed tons of CPUs and never came across one that didn't fit except if I had the wrong CPU for the MB and that's pretty obvious.

The only other things I can think of are something in the socket preventing it from going down.

Or you are trying install it with the lever down....which I don't think you would do.

Or the pins are out of wack, which I think would be obvious.
The golden arrow on the CPU is supposed to align with the arrow on motherboard slot, correct? But when I set it down that way, it won't fit right and one half will be sticking up. But when I turn it around, so the golden arrow on the CPU is facing the opposite direction (right next to the lever you use to secure it in place) it lies perfectly flat and doesn't budge at all.
Regardless of what's printed on it....in my experience the pins can only line up one way....and that's the way it works.

i'm thinking that when it "lies perfectly" as you say....that you have it the right way.

Also, the pins generally are in a pattern so it fits only one way. You should visibly be able to see this.

I'm still fairly certain that's not the right way for it to go, though, because when I put it in that way and pull down the lever, it's not secured at all and I can lift it right up. When I line the arrows up and pull down the lever, it's still at least somewhat fastened, although, it's still obviously far from secure because part of it's still pointing upwards. So this makes it seem like I've just a hardware problem, but now the question is: is it the CPU or the motherboard that's messed up?

Would a pin or two getting a bit bent cause it to fail to settle completely? That might be a reason why now, but it was never fitting snugly into the socket to begin with. That first became abundantly clear when after pulling up the cooling fan because I was having some trouble securing it on top, the CPU came straight up with it. After that, I carefully removed the CPU and tried to put it back in place, but the half with the arrow started point upwards and that's where I am now.

Regardless, both of these parts are brand new and weren't even opened until today, so should I just go ahead and call both companies and see what advice I can get, and return them if need be? Because if they're broken, then they're broken, and I just want to hurry up and move on at this point.

"Would a pin or two getting a bit bent cause it to fail to settle completely?'
Yeah but usually I think a pin that's bent that bad would be pretty visible.

It's just very puzzling because I have installed tons of CPUs and never came across one that didn't fit except if I had the wrong CPU for the MB and that's pretty obvious.

The only other things I can think of are something in the socket preventing it from going down.

Or you are trying install it with the lever down....which I don't think you would do.

Or the pins are out of wack, which I think would be obvious.