CPU LED on - no post - Asus M5A99FX Pro R2.0


May 10, 2016

This is a question that I notice has been asked to death around the forums, so apologies for repeating it. However, the issue I have seems to a bit different from everyone else's, so I was hoping I could get a fresh insight into the situation.

Specs are:

AMD FX-8350 + Corsair H100i on an Asus M5A99FX Pro R2.0 motherboard;

32 gigs of RAM;

Dual GTX 970s;

Corsair CX750M PSU;

WD 4TB + Seagate 500GB HDDs + Samsung 128GB SSD.


Of late (maybe around two weeks tops), everytime I'd switch on my system, I wouldn't make it to the post screen. The monitor would show the Asus logo and then go into power save, and the CPU LED on the motherboard would be lit up.

The only way I found to get past this was to force power off - turn off the PSU (switch at the back) - switch it back on - press the DirectKey button on the motherboard and I'd be okay. This method would take me directly to the BIOS, from where I'd load optimized defaults and reset and boom, booted up and running.

I'm not sure if this is a CPU, Motherboard, or even PSU problem at this point, since on doing what I wrote above, the system works fine. There are no unexpected crashes, no sudden BSODs, no freezing up, no slowdowns. Just that I can't seem to boot up without having to do that whole process once.

Also, if it helps, I live in a place that has frequent power outages from time to time, and my UPS is unable to take the load of the system, meaning the whole thing powers off when the electricity does. Maybe this could be a reason?

Any help anyone has with this is highly appreciated. Thank you.

UPDATE (29/10/2018 - 07:54 IST)

I just discovered that I don't have to do the DirectKey approach if I do this:

Turn off Power Supply (switch) - UPS power on - wait a few seconds - PSU switch on - CPU power on (normal) - successful boot.

This could very well be a one-off. I'm not sure its a permanent fix. Any help, as always, is appreciated. Thank you.


Thank you for your reply Serinox. I'll look into that immediately. Replacing the battery should help, right?

Does it happen that a drained CMOS battery prevents the system from posting? This would be the first time I'm hearing of such a situation.