CPU light stays on with ASUS Sabertooth Z170 Mark 1


Jul 3, 2016
I have an ASUS Sabertooth Z170 Mark 1 MB. The CPU light stays on when I install two identical 4GB Gskill DDR4 2133 memory modules in the proper slots, however if I remove A2 then I am able to get through boot properly and there are no problems. System specs:

Windows 10 64 bit
Intel i5 6600k 3.5 Skylake
GSkill DDR4 2133 memory
Corsair RM 750x
ASUS Sabertooth Z170 Mark 1
Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO

Does anybody have a solution to this? I flashed the BIOS to most current version, and still the problem remains. The system will not POST if two 4GB memory modules are installed in their proper DIMM slots, it remains hung with the CPU light on for about tens seconds, the restarts, only to stop again with the CPU light remaining lit. However if I only run one module in the proper B2 DIMM slot, there is no problem. I have a feeling the Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO cooling unit is causing a problem with the DIMM slot, or the A2 DIMM slot itself is bad. I have run Mem86+ and there are no reported problems, all items are QVL, I have switched out each memory module and both are good when run by themselves in the B2 slot. I have also hit the MemOK button to see if there was a problem there, only with the same result. I have also reseated both the CPU and the fan multiple times with no change in results, the system will not POST with two 4GB memory modules in their proper DIMM slots, but will POST with one 4GB memory module in the B2 DIMM slot
Well from what you describe rbreckwoldt, If both your DIMMs work in the B2 slot and not in the A2 slot it would seem you have a dead A2 slot.

Check for contamination in the slot, try blowing the slot out with compressed air from a canister and cleaning the DIMM terminals with ISOPRO 95%.
Do this only with PSU turned off.

If still no success then its either the MB or the IMC of the CPU.
You will have to check for bent pins in the CPU socket and if all is OK then RMA the MB.

The cooler should have nothing to do with the DIMM slot.

I purchased two identical 4 GB modules, not a kit. I have tried the other slots to no avail

The only reason I beieve it might be the cooler is that the Hyper 212 EVO does not seat as firmly as other coolers I have used in the past do, and if I rotate it slightly with the board off it sometimes hangs with the DRAMM LED staying lit when I restart the computer. I have also read other posts mentioning this cooler and a similar problem, however I feel deep down that the DIMM slot is bad. I will try the compressed air and 95% isopropyl tomorrow, though. All the CPU pins are fine, by the way. I also have a totally new type of cooler arriving tomorrow, which I will also try, and if this also fails, then it obviously has to be a dead DIMM slot.

It is never a good idea to mix kits as they may or may not work together. It is in the manufacturing process and DIMM kits are factory matched to ensure compatibility.

Because when I remove one of the two memory modules the system POSTs fine. MemOK did nothing.
I have tried something new with this board that I wanted to get input from the community on. I did try a new fan, to no avail, which I figured would happen. I then tried installing one 4 GB memory module in B1 and the second in B2, and to my surprise, the system POSTed fine and worked fine, and it showed 8 GB of installed memory. I then retried putting the two separate 4 GB memory modules in the proper locations according to the manual for this board, which would be A2 and B2, again, CPU LED stays lit and it goes into an endless booting cycle. I then removed the module from B2 and left in A2, which is what is suggested for one memory module, again, CPU LED stays lit and endless booting. I then put back the module in B2 and removed A2, and then system POSTed and ran fine. This is not supposed to happen, and I just wanted to make sure that the A2 DIMM is indeed dead before I RMA the board, but I am confused as to why it worked properly when B1 and B2 were installed. I did not think this was supposed to happen or work. The DIMM slots are clean and free from contamination as well.

Then the Memory Q-LED should display. This is odd. Call up Asus support to see what they have to say, and let them know that the CPU is fine, so why is the CPU Q-LED lighting up, and why does the system boot when removing that one stick, yet RAM Q-LED -doesn't- light up to signify a RAM problem. Right off the bat I wouldn't trust the mobo and that's certainly reason to RMA/Replace.

Don't even mess with it anymore, just demand a new one.
All the lights on my Sabertooth Z170Z Mark 1 are lit up orange? Everything is working even with a hyper evo212 cooler mm from the A1 dimm slot. Tight fit but better cooling. Don't wait for Asus tech support to write back they'll just refer to their faq's I could get better answers from monkey's! The boot time for this board really sucks i mean what does it tell you when my two Dell laptops an N5010, & E6500 boot faster than my prized dream machine?