CPU location and other detailed things

Jan 24, 2019
Recently from Ebay i bought intel CPU for my pc
Seller told me its NEW and UNOPENED

My question is:
Is it possible for me or for some specialist to track information from CPU ID like :
-When CPU was manufactured
-When it was sold and to whom
-When it was installed and which programs were running recently (or few days ago)

Is it possible to find those informations ?
Sadly i have no delivery note.
Thank you for answers.
"When CPU was manufactured"
I would think this would be located within some number printed on the case.

"When it was sold and to whom
-When it was installed and which programs were running recently (or few days ago)"

I don't think you will get any of this information from the CPU itself.

Is there a problem with it?
CPU works fine (for now)
I dont want to find that CPU what i just bought its been used for several years
I just want tknow if CPU is not USED or even STOLEN.That scares me.

Its intel core series I5
Box was sealed whit a tape.
And CPU was clear whit no paste on it

Yea, i think you are right.
I was scared that police or someone could track me throught CPU ID and i got sued or even worse for buying or possessting something that might be stolen.