Question CPU/MB/RAM for WoW raiding


Nov 2, 2016
Since this expansion I've experienced low and very low fps in raids, I decided to take a look at upgrading my pc.
Current system is:
  • i7 2600k Sandy Bridge processor;
  • Gigabyte Z68P-DS3 motherboard;
  • 12 gb or RAM
  • Samsung 250 gb SSD and a new Seagate Barracuda 4 tb 5400 rpm HDD. Technically, I tried using wow from the SSD, but I'm getting these freezes that I got before with another SSD, and that I am not getting when running from HDD. Since those freezes killed me in game multiple times, I'm taking the slower loading screens.
  • MSI GeForce GTX 1060 GAMING X 6GB GDDR5 192-bit.

With this, I'm getting 5-25 fps in encounters with more than 20 people, and a bit better with just 20. Situation improved a bit by disabling advanced combat logging and some addons, but it's still pretty bad. I don't know how familiar people are with wow's video settings, but I use a setting 5 in raid environments.

  1. Would overclocking my cpu help signifficantly?
  2. Any other on the spot improvement I can make?
  3. In the case I can't do anything but upgrade my CPU, would an i7 8700 be a good choice? They are at a reasonable price here currently. If not, what other choice would be better? What Motherboard/RAM would go well with it?
Budget for CPU/MB/RAM should be up to @700 dollars.
4. Afterthought: my internet should be 500 mb/second but for some reason I'm only getting 150mb/sec. Could that mean something in my mb is busted? Network card is on the MB.
I have an i5-3470 with 32GB RAM and GTX1050, I get 60fps most of the time and don't usually dip below 45fps even on world bosses with 40+ people in the area . To dip to 25fps or less, you either have a broken addon slowing the game down or some other problem with the system. If you have a secondary display, I suggest keeping an eye on pagefile activity during slowdowns to see if they may be caused by low memory. Also, is that 12GB 4+8 or 2x2+2x4? If the configuration is asymmetrical, reduced memory bandwidth may cost you as much as 25% in performance.
You should HEAVILY OC your CPU. I would OC it to the max, which I believe is vicinity of 4.8 GHz with this CPU.

Yes, OC'ing your CPU will fix your issue.

If you cba with OC'ing, buying a new intel CPU/Mobo is the best thing you can do.
Getting freezes while on SSD but not on HDD doesn't make sense. Are you currently doing any overclocking or have timings or voltage adjustments going on?
Are you plugged directly into your router or are you using WiFi? When you say you are only getting 150Mb but should be getting 500Mb, how are you testing? Have you tried disabling all other applications while gaming (AV, disk utilities, etc.)?

This could just be an internet bandwidth issue.
Thank you a lot for the responses.
I don't have a 2nd display, I can try running an addon to measure addons load. I'm not using lots of them, basically stuff needed for raiding usually: vuhdo (I'm a healer), weak auras, deadly boss mods with the voice pack, angry assignments and exorsus raid tools, elvui and some bag addon. I disabled everything else (wasn't much anyway). I'll see about that.

The 12 gb is an 8+4. The 4 was ordered accidentally instead of an 8 some years ago and...remained so. Can try switching.

Regarding OC-ing, would the stock cooler be enough or should I get a new one? Currently the cpu is on the stock cooler. If a new one needed, can you recommend one?

I'm check the hyperthreading thing.

About the freezes, it's an old story. I got them all through 2017, and thought my GPU was the issue. Was a new GPU, a 290x something. I sent the GPU in service, they replaced it, and had the same issue with the 2nd one. Basically the game would freeze occasionally for 5-6 seconds, and in high keys and mythic raids that's often deadly. I ended up changing the GPU altogether, and got the 1060 one. To my dismay, the issue continued. A friend suggested me putting my wow on the HDD, and checking the health of my SSD. That's how I discovered the SSD was at 86% health. I had no freezes while running on the HDD, but switched back to SSD as soon as I got a new one. Shortly after I got the new SSD, and moved wow on it, the freezes reappeared.

I have nothing on my pc overclocked, nor have I ever fiddled with adjustments. I'm not particularly good with stuff like this, even if I will OC my CPU I'll probably look for somebody with more knowledge about it. I'm directly connected to the router. My husband gets 500 mb/sec, I get 150. We tried to see if it was a cable issue (mine is longer), but he was getting 500 with my cable too. Would those applications you talk of be something that opens somewhere in the background? I'm not specifically running anything like that.

Sorry if silly explanations, as said, I'm not very knowledgeable in computers.
Is your husband the 'IT guy' of the house? Are you 100% sure you're bandwidth is not being throttled at the router?
Make sure your NIC is set to auto negotiate for duplex and speed (in device manager). You max out at 150Mb but what kind of latency are you seeing? Do you see peaks and troughs during a speedtest?
I suppose you can test your NIC by going to the store and grabbing a cheap PCIe NIC.