Jan 24, 2019
So... Im new to the PC stuffs and I've mad a list of parts and I've revised this list for over a month and I am currently still saving up for all the parts but are there any "PC Pros" out there that can give insight on any improvement or tips for building when it comes to beginners (what to and not to do)? Here is my build (https://pcpartpicker.com/list/rxPmpG).

THANKS FOR THE WARNING!!! Any case recommendations? It doesn't have to be rgb.

From the picture I see two fans (unless I'm literally blind), so taking your words of how the airflow isn't that great, should I invest money for fans?

- Wait, would a case like this be fine enough? It is a little more expensive than the h500i however I hear it has pretty good air flow!

I will take that into consideration. Using a "Crucial MX500 which is already about $60, if I were to add on a hard drive then it'd probably take my budget up a little so do you think It would be smart to just buy the ssd for now and drop the hard drive? I will eventually buy a ssd or hard drive later on when I get enough and I usually edit on After Effects and I am planning to play games as well. Will 500 gb be enough for about a week or two until I buy another? Also if I get another SSD, will I need more cables for the mother board to be able to connect to it? Like for 2 SSDs in total?

A 500GB will be enough for a couple of weeks.

SATA SSDs connect the same way as HDD's. SATA data off the motherboard, SATA power off the PSU.
Your motherboard may come with a couple of SATA data cables. If not, order a few extra. About $1 each.