[SOLVED] CPU or GPU? Whats faulty now?

Jul 4, 2019
I've been having these pc stutters, freezes lately, and I can't seem to figure out why. I posted here last year some time about some pc trouble and ended up needing to replace the cpu. Before it went out I saw this static screen and the pc never started up again.

After I got this replacement I have seen a static screen very briefly, but that was the only time and haven't seen it since. In the last few months though I've notice higher cpu temps. For example I play World of Tanks and usually between 40C - 50C and it hardly ever went over. Since that brief static screen temps are always higher 50+ easy. I recently switched TVs and once I did that my pc started stuttering a lot. I think on the same day or the next it started.

Now it seems to be getting worse. PC will stutter or freeze regardless of what I'm doing. If somethings playing the sound always makes that ehhhhhh sound, and now the keyboard will disconnect and reconnect. At least I think that's what it is. Makes that ding dong sound when you plug in a usb. When it happens like now my pc will be at like 37C it will stutter or freeze and the CPU temp will jump up to the 50s and drop back down once it unfreezes. Sometimes makes the game I'm playing crash, either world of tanks or borderlands. Not often though. Depends on how long it lasts.

I haven't had a BSOD or anything, nothing that would definitely tell me what it is. I only know a little bit about a little though. I haven't seen any graphics glitches as of yet. Right at this moment my discord app turned black for a quick second never seen that before. Just stuttering/freezing and something disconnecting. I've uninstalled the GPU driver and reinstall and it stopped for like 3ish hours, and then started back. I changed the HDMI cord and I was good for like 7 hours. Thought it was something simple as that. Eventually it started back. Recently I reinstalled windows, and was good for a good little bit, but it's back again.

Someone from discord told me it could be GPU, but could it be the CPU again? Or maybe something else the memory etc etc. Any tips or things to try? Sorry so long to, but I wanted to make sure I covered everything lol.
from what you've said i think your CPU is dying, i've had that same problem before and i bought a new graphics card and it did nothing and sold my gpu and the new owner of that gpu was leased with it and having no problems, I sold it for dirt chEap because i thought it was dying but nope, and the problems just started up again and then i did more research and soon to find out when i turn off 1 of the cores on the cpu it started to work as normal so then i knew the cpu was starting to die, so now with what you said i think its the CPU that is dying. the only reason to my knowledge of why the pc acts normal after you change something with the gpu is that for a few moments the PC becomes GPU dependent, and the motherboard is mostly...
from what you've said i think your CPU is dying, i've had that same problem before and i bought a new graphics card and it did nothing and sold my gpu and the new owner of that gpu was leased with it and having no problems, I sold it for dirt chEap because i thought it was dying but nope, and the problems just started up again and then i did more research and soon to find out when i turn off 1 of the cores on the cpu it started to work as normal so then i knew the cpu was starting to die, so now with what you said i think its the CPU that is dying. the only reason to my knowledge of why the pc acts normal after you change something with the gpu is that for a few moments the PC becomes GPU dependent, and the motherboard is mostly focusing on the GPU.
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You are more likely to get struck by lightning than have a cpu die. A mobo dying however, is much more common. Or even more common, power issues. Gpu or cpu wouldn't explain the audio, usb issues, or how reinstalling windows helped. I'm leaning more towards the mobo. The issues seem like it's power related although it could be the mobo causing dirty power in which case it's damaging components connected to it.
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You are more likely to get struck by lightning than have a cpu die. A mobo dying however, is much more common. Or even more common, power issues. Gpu or cpu wouldn't explain the audio, usb issues, or how reinstalling windows helped. I'm leaning more towards the mobo. The issues seem like it's power related although it could be the mobo causing dirty power in which case it's damaging components connected to it.
I went through this exact same thing last year, but the pc wouldn't start back up after I saw that first static screen. I originally thought it was the cpu, but posting here
and a few other places changed my mind. So I sent the mobo in they said was good. I got the psu tested was good, then sent the CPU in and they said was bad and sent me a new one. The symptoms are just weird now with the usb disconnecting. As I'm trying to reply it froze up for a good 2 minutes just now and the screen went black and the no signal showed then popped back on. What you say makes sense though. Cause it brings the question even if the CPU has gone bad again, is it AMD making crappy CPUs or the mobo ruining them.
Harder part is all the computer places are shutdown, so I'll probably have to go through process of sending stuff back again to get tested....
I don't know if this will provide much more info but this what looks like on the monitor when I have the brief stutters. Just have discord open.
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You mention local computer places so I'm assuming you were sending it to them and not the manufacturer? Do you know what they even tested to say it was ok? They usually only do quick and simple tests to see basic functionality. They wouldn't have caught something like a failing cpu vrm.
I sent the mobo and the cpu back to the manufacturer, after I took it to a computer repair. Whom told me it was the mobo, which I don't think he did to much back then cause I could tell he only pulled my psu out.
My parts list.
@k1114 If you are still around. Something weird, but maybe another clue to what could be wrong or maybe just lucky for some reason lol. The other night my wife asked if I had another USB port to plug in her circuit cutter machine thing. So I turned my pc to the side and since that night it hasn't froze or stuttered one time. I've played my games and did fine and everything O.O.... All I think is either im on one of those lucky streaks like when I changed the HDMI cord or maybe theres a power cord shortage or I dont know lol very weird. Atleast a good 48 hours now.