CPU or Graphics card!


Jul 28, 2015
Hey there.
My usage solely swarms around gaming (MMO gaming specially), video making and a LOT of rendering whether 2D or 3D and i'm on my way to upgrade my pc but there lies my dilemma:
GTX 970 with an i5 4690k
GTX 960 with an I7 5820k (or higher generation)
Money aside, need ur opinions on these 2 options.
am going for z97x and 8gigs o ram
If the OP is video editing and rendering ALOT, he will greatly benefit from the 12 threads on the I7 5820k. Whereas the 4690k will only net you 4 threads. The extra 8 will not help in gaming, but in videos and 2D/3D rendering, 5820k all the way.
If the OP is video editing and rendering ALOT, he will greatly benefit from the 12 threads on the I7 5820k. Whereas the 4690k will only net you 4 threads. The extra 8 will not help in gaming, but in videos and 2D/3D rendering, 5820k all the way.
If you are rendering a large amount of videos then if money is not a factor go for the 5820k it will be able to get the rendering done is a shorter period of time. While as said above the i5 and 970 would be more balanced you loose two cores plus the Hyper-threading from the i7 that would help you out with rendering.