CPU or two GPU's


Nov 9, 2014
Wasn't sure which category to put this is so sorry if it should be somewhere else. I have an a8-6500 apu with an r9 270x xfx DD. I have to get a new motherboard to crossfire anyways. So should I get an i5-4690k or xfire another r9 270x. I honestly think my CPU couldn't take it. Thanks for your time!
Remember that the CPU is the heart and soul of you PC, almost everything must be processed by it therefore it is always worth to get the better CPU, Intel CPU's are great for gaming while AMD CPU's are great for the average user, video editors and people who renders stuff. I would honestly get an Intel, maybe the i5 3570k or as you mentioned the i5-4690k, Xfire is also very buggy still and wont drasticly improve frame rates in Games and such (assuming that's what you are doing) same goes for the CPU, you wont see an massive spike in frames with a new CPU, but you could avoid serious CPU lag spikes if you upgrade. I myself have a i5 3570k and had a r9 270x, I ran games like Battlefield Ultra 60fps+ no problem.
Good luck with the decision...
Since you are using a 270x, the integrated graphics of the A8 are worthless to you. If you need a new motherboard anyway and want to improve performance, you should definitely consider switching to Intel (or AMD AM3+). Just changing your CPU won't improve gaming frame rates much, but your entire system will be better. You will then have the option of upgrading your GPU either with crossfire or just a singe higher-powered card.
Remember that the CPU is the heart and soul of you PC, almost everything must be processed by it therefore it is always worth to get the better CPU, Intel CPU's are great for gaming while AMD CPU's are great for the average user, video editors and people who renders stuff. I would honestly get an Intel, maybe the i5 3570k or as you mentioned the i5-4690k, Xfire is also very buggy still and wont drasticly improve frame rates in Games and such (assuming that's what you are doing) same goes for the CPU, you wont see an massive spike in frames with a new CPU, but you could avoid serious CPU lag spikes if you upgrade. I myself have a i5 3570k and had a r9 270x, I ran games like Battlefield Ultra 60fps+ no problem.
Good luck with the decision and Happy holidays :)

My rig is like 88% for gaming and I am slowly piecing it together. I can't get another r9 and get an i5 so I'm trying to figure out which one.