Question CPU Overclocking HELP


Aug 9, 2015
I just installed an i7-4790k. In my bios I have it set to 4.0ghz and my clock ratio is set to 40, so no overclocking has been applied (I have an intel stock cooler so I'm not overclocking just yet). But when I save & exit bios and open Core Temp it says my CPU is running at 4400.00mhz (100.00 x 44.0). Is my CPU overclocking on its own?
Thanks for the response @PC Tailor, could this turbo boost significantly effect my CPU temps? I am wondering because during game play my CPU overheats. If this could be due to the turbo boost, how do I disable it (if possible)? Thanks!
Well yes technically speaking, because your CPU is working harder.
However if turbo boost is causing your CPU to overheat to the point that it's dangerous, you sooner need to look at your cooling, not disabling turbo boost.
"Generally" anything below 90 degrees C for an intel CPU is fine.