CPU overheating. Could use some help.


Oct 27, 2013
As the title says, my CPU is getting pretty hot.

When starting up first thing in the morning: 45 C
When idling during daylight hours: 60-65 C
When playing a game: 93-100 C

This is consistently the case. Now naturally my first instinct was to grab some Thermal Compound, took my CPU cooler(intel stock) off, cleaned the old compound off and put some new on.
This was where the first complication arose:
It appears one or more of the pushpins on my cooler cannot get a grip in the Mobo holes. I've tried all of the tricks on the internet, from wiggling it in, to taking the motherboard out, to one at a time, to two at a time(parallel and cross). Everything I've tried, it still appears at least 2 pins are incapable of getting a grip. I got it in as firmly as I seemed able, before I called it good enough, fearing I was smearing the compound too much.

This seems to have fixed it temporarily, my games started running at 80 degrees instead of 93+, but I decided to do a test and ran my PC with a game on idle non-stop for a few hours, and it was right back to 100 C across the board when I came back to check.

I'm starting to wonder if I need a new CPU fan? As the old one might just not do it anymore seeing as it won't click in place properly.

This is the motherboard I have(all 4 RAM ports are in use) https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128714

my CPU is an intel core i7 4790k.

I've heard some stories that custom CPU fans tend to be a bit on the larger side, so I really don't wanna spend money on one only for it to be too big to fit. I could really use some help with this.