CPU overheating in BIOS (84C) while thermal paste is placed correctly and CPU is clean.

Jun 24, 2018
Hello guys, recently I realized that my CPU is being really hot when I am gaming (100 C). If the computer is idle in windows it goes down to 60 C but in BIOS the temperature starts from 60 C and slowly goes up to 84 C.
I had a technician replace the thermal paste and clean the dust from the CPU cause I thought that it would solve the problem, but the temperature stays the same. So I am out of any ideas as to what could be causing these temperature spikes and decided to ask for your help. My processor is i5-4460 3,20 GHz.
Your idle temps are uncomfortably high also. I would buy an aftermarket cooler as even the cheap ones like the $20 Hyper 212 EVO will significantly outperform your stock cooler. Just make sure whatever you buy can fit your case. Have temps always been this high, or are you just now noticing it?

Well in the beginning, 4 years ago, it was not that high i think the first year it was like 40-50 C in BIOS but recently I noticed big periodical lags when gaming and the fps i had in game was the half of what my hardware should be able to produce at least according to the internet and so I realized that the cpu is hitting 100 when I am gaming .

I'm kind of shocked that cleaning and repasting didn't affect thermals at all after 4 years. I wonder if the tech did a poor job? If I were you, I would buy an aftermarket cooler as almost anything will outperform what you have. I would also buy some quality thermal paste like kryonaut or as5 as it is infinitely better than stock paste. You can get a 212 Hyper EVO and a tube of kryonaut for ~$30.
Those stock type coolers with the push pin mounting method always seems to not seat exactly right, leaving one, or more, corners to have less contact with the cooler. I'd get a new cooler asap, whether it's an aftermarket air cooler or an AIO.