CPU + RAM Compatibility.


Feb 26, 2015
Hello, I'm planning to upgrade my motherboard and CPU this Black Friday, but still want to keep my RAM and sound card.
Here is my RAM: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145260

I want to buy one of these because the're very cheap, and I'm not interested in any advanced features + CPU: It needs to have a PCI slot for my sound card.


I just want to know if they're all compatible together. And you think the intel would be better then my FX-8350? Thank you.

either of those boards will work just fine with both the RAM and the CPU (slight chance you'll have to update BIOS on motherboard). yea, the 4590 would be a performance increase compared to FX-8350 at stock. not sure if it would be worth the cost of upgrade tho, maybe just get a nice setup to overclock that 8350 and get another few months out of it. AMD Zen is coming out next year, it should have a pretty big impact on cpu market.
either of those boards will work just fine with both the RAM and the CPU (slight chance you'll have to update BIOS on motherboard). yea, the 4590 would be a performance increase compared to FX-8350 at stock. not sure if it would be worth the cost of upgrade tho, maybe just get a nice setup to overclock that 8350 and get another few months out of it. AMD Zen is coming out next year, it should have a pretty big impact on cpu market.

I'm actually trying to avoid updating the bios on either board, I don't have a spare Intel proc around, what would I do if it didn't work?