CPU red light turned on on my motheboard don’t know what’s wrong

Apr 28, 2018
I’m having problems with my i5 7600k (this has happened twice this year) what happens is the cpu just completely dies or breaks something like that. The first time it was the motherboard and the cpu because it just completely wouldn’t turn on at all and I ended up getting a new motherboard but sticking with the same cpu just a replacement one (old mother board was an Asus don’t remember exactly what Asus one it was but the new one is a gigabyte z270 ultra gaming motherboard) now this time there’s a red light corrosponding with the letters cpu on my motherboard and it will turn on just won’t post. Yes the 8 pin connector is plugged in not loose at all the cpu was put in the right way and there are not bent pins because it doesn’t have any
i just went thru something similiar, that wouldn't show me the post screen or any display

1st how about listing all your components, it makes it so much easier for folks to help ie, exact cpu, exact motherboard model, how many sticks of ram and make/model -

does your motherboard have a red showing letters or number or a combo? - if so , what are they

do you have a gpu in the system?

For some reason it cut off the specs I put in the thing so here they are again

CPU: i5 7600k
GPU: Asus GeForce gtx 1060 6gb
MB: Gigabyte z270 ultra gaming
RAM: 3200mhz Corsair vengeance

And a 4 year old evga 500 wat psu if you really need know that but your probably don’t

And for the red light theres 4 of them on the motherboard. And there are 4 tiny boxes with words of parts like dram and cpu and the light that corrosponds with cpu is lit
i was curious so i pulled up your owners manual (i found a gigabyte "Z270 ultra Gaming X"

found this in the owner's manual, but it's pretty generic - at least that LED is telling you the CPU is the issue

Do you have a Dr Debug with a code showing ie 0A or 65, either a number letter combo or a number?


you might try downloading intel's processor diagnostic tool and running it - the test doesn't take 5 minutes or so
No but but I have have recently gotten a replacement cpu but I still have the same issue where it shows the red light. I’m kinda worried at this point because everything connected to the mother board works but keeps on giving me that red light